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A Harcore/Grind Drummer

[Nov 19,2005 1:48pm - ihatebobsaget ""]
i need to find a guitarist
[Nov 19,2005 2:37pm - ...and Bob Saget Hates YOU  ""]
post more info. ex: location, age, # of years youve been playing, influences, etc etc etc
[Nov 19,2005 3:26pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Are you looking for a hardcore/grind band? Four members of Pillory are seeking a drummer to complete a side project we're working on. There's a post somewhere elso on here, or you can email us at petefrommasscore@hotmail.com

[Nov 19,2005 3:43pm - kyledoesnotlogin  ""]
can you solo?
[Nov 19,2005 3:45pm - kyledoesnotlogin  ""]
where are you from drummer?
[Nov 19,2005 10:02pm - cdan nli  ""]

drummer, drop me a line right away. we're starting a new project, ex-pillory members, lots of hardcore and grind influence, i.e. burnt by the sun, nasum, etc.

cdanecek@rcn.com, aim:yeastling
[Nov 20,2005 1:08am - joedienow  ""]
hardcore/grind drummer. if your looking for a band check us out


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