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[Nov 19,2005 10:23pm - Dont Panic  ""]
For those of you who have Comcast On Demand- in the Movies Section you can find an interesting IMAX movie called "Vikings: Journey To New Worlds". The imagery is fucking amazing and the tales are thought provoking. It's worth the 4 dollars.....oh, and the background music is actually decent. The entire time I watched it, I was thinking about Viking Metal, hah.
[Nov 19,2005 10:57pm - the_reverend ""]
hmmm... maybe.
[Nov 20,2005 12:04am - dreadkill ""]
awesome, did it have thyrfing, moonsorrow, and enslaved in the soundtrack?
[Nov 20,2005 12:05am - dreadkill ""]
i was going to write a researtch paper about viking art, but i couldn't find enough good info on it. i'll check out that movie next time i'm at a place with on demand.
[Nov 20,2005 12:09am - Al_Ravage ""]
I only watch the free crap... I just watched Higher Learning...an OK movie... I wonder if all of John Singleton's movies end the same way

I tried to watch Blues Brothers 2000 this morning and that was just sad
[Nov 20,2005 12:16am - dreadkill ""]
i just watched joe dirt. i love that movie.
[Nov 20,2005 6:16pm - Dont Panic  ""]
Did anyone check it out yet?
[Nov 20,2005 6:26pm - pam ""]
I might check that out. I love on demand. I have HBO and Showtime too right now because Comcast fucking SUCKS and my roommate bitched until they gave us something free to make up for their suckery.
[Nov 20,2005 6:27pm - succubus ""]
aaron was going to check it out and then he realized it wasn't free
[Nov 20,2005 7:48pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 7:59pm - Dont Panic  ""]
My troll doesnt find that funny


[Nov 20,2005 8:18pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:21pm - Dont Panic  ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:25pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:26pm - succubus ""]
hey! i used to LOVE that KISS movie when i was a kid...i saw it a million times!!
[Nov 20,2005 8:26pm - Dont Panic  ""]
Thoroughly Awesome!
[Nov 20,2005 8:26pm - succubus ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:27pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:29pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:31pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:32pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 8:34pm - wade ""]
[Nov 20,2005 11:27pm - gGG  ""]
wade said:[img]

^^^this truely is the face of constipation^^^

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