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ATTN: Mark fucking Richards....

[Nov 26,2005 3:13pm - scoracrasia ""]
We had that practice with those folks I told you about and they will not pan out. But the good news is we found new very dedicated people up in the Kingston area. We now have the full line-up and will be practicing up in Kingston which is better for you as it is closer. Give me a buzz when you can. The line-up is complete. How is the art coming bro?
[Nov 26,2005 3:28pm - brian_dc ""]
kingston, ri?
[Nov 26,2005 4:08pm - scoracrasia ""]
brian_dc said:kingston, ri?

[Nov 26,2005 5:38pm - Cecchini ""]
hows our art coming. lol
[Nov 27,2005 9:00am - scoracrasia ""]
[Nov 27,2005 11:26am - scoracrasia ""]
god damned bumpage
[Nov 27,2005 11:31am - niccolai ""]
Mark read it you fucking pastrami eating pompeii victim.
[Nov 27,2005 11:38am - scoracrasia ""]
Pastrami is good, but how the hell am I supposed to know he read it!?
[Nov 27,2005 1:15pm - niccolai ""]
I used to like pasrami, but new common law states any word with more than three letters in common with Mark Richards's name is not to be enjoyed.

I don't make the rules...
[Nov 27,2005 1:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
pastrami is fucking gross.

i responded to your email byron.

cecchini...i'll be able to send you revamped logos tomorrow night, due to lack of scanner as usual.
[Nov 28,2005 9:36am - scoracrasia ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:pastrami is fucking gross.

i responded to your email byron.

cecchini...i'll be able to send you revamped logos tomorrow night, due to lack of scanner as usual.

Didn't get your e-mail bro. good news on the band front thuogh. Can you re-send please? Thanks man....

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