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News Article: puke fiend finds self in jail

[Nov 28,2005 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 28,2005 4:14pm - danny p nli  ""]
haha that dude looks like tom morello
[Nov 28,2005 4:21pm - 1349 ""]
[Nov 28,2005 4:39pm - ryanfromhbbsi  ""]
Ive got some buddies and we all drink bleach
you know we practice what we preach
Were not a drunken bunch of frat boys drunk on beer
or a stoned bunch of hippies with no careers
I wanna drink bleach with a Georgia Peach

My pals and I all drink Clorox
or eat Snowy right out of the box
Teenage suicide rate shot high and we
understand the reason why
Bleach does more than whiten socks

Dont you wanna hang out with the bleach boys baby
in a land where ministers murder golf pros?
Dont you wanna drink some bleach tonight?

Maybe therell be a party at the beach
Well bitch about life and chug-a-lug bleach
No ones getting high and no ones getting drunk
we got a case off bleach stashed in the trunk.
I wanna die with clorox within reach.

Im very proud of the respect Ive earned
and my voice is very deep cause my throat got burned.
Bleach keeps you young so Ive been told
cause no one who drinks it lives to be old
Drink it with a chaser is the first thing I learned.
Dont you wanna hang out with the bleach boys baby
in a land where midgets run for mayor?
Dont you wanna drink some bleach tonight?

I had 26 friends in the beginning
but now it seems our numbers are thinning
Some people drive fast others love to bet
still others snort coke in a private jet.
But drinking bleach is my way of winning.

[Nov 28,2005 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]
dead milkmen!
[Nov 28,2005 8:47pm - Todd NLI  ""]
I almost posted this yesterday,I did not think people would be interested though
[Nov 29,2005 9:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
*definitely not taking notes for later use*
[Nov 29,2005 10:31am - Anonymousity  ""]
what a nigger

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