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that 14 yo girl who's 18 yo bf killed her parents on myspace

[Dec 2,2005 8:50am - the_reverend ""]

she was mostlikely on msd's buddy list.
[Dec 2,2005 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 2,2005 9:01am - succubus ""]
the myspace profile is down..
did you actually get to see anything there?
[Dec 2,2005 9:16am - InventorofEvil ""]
Thats sad news.These 2 teens should be executed old fashioned style.Drawn and quarted sounds good to me.Its time that the USA makes the Death Penalty a mandatory thing for all murderers.Fuck the judicial system,it dont work!!!!!!!
[Dec 2,2005 9:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_reverend said:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10272868/

she was mostlikely on msd's buddy list.

haha, she probably really was.
[Dec 2,2005 10:46am - Robdeadskin ""]
funny her last name is borden..and involved with killing her parents..mabey she's lizzy borden reincarnated.
[Dec 2,2005 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
"I really hate mondays"
[Dec 2,2005 11:18am - anonymous  ""]
i dont understand that feature. it wasnt informative or entertaining. it just chronicled a bunch of myspace comments and drama.
[Dec 3,2005 12:10pm - iwannaknockupa14y/o  ""]
yo that chick is hot for 14 year old.id kill her parents too,to get in that tight little pussy
[Dec 3,2005 12:24pm - pam nli  ""]
last one of these I saw was some girl named Esmie who killed her mother. stabbed the fuck out of her. she had a xanga blog, and someone made her a spoof myspace profile.
[Dec 3,2005 12:25pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I remember that.
good times.
[Dec 3,2005 2:07pm - intricateprocess ""]
yes, my space rules
[Dec 3,2005 2:39pm - Dertoxia ""]
see!! myspace should be illegal. It makes people kill each other!!! the government should step in and tell us what to do!!!
[Dec 3,2005 2:56pm - intricateprocess ""]
no, someone should do a flaming bag of shit on toms doorstep
[Dec 3,2005 3:21pm - pam nli  ""]
No, sadly I NEED Myspace. Because it's one big email address book that helps me to avoid using the telephone or other bothersome human interation.

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