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[Dec 2,2005 10:38am - InventorofEvil ""]
Anyone here ever fucked a hooker?
[Dec 2,2005 10:39am - Christraper ""]
not yet
[Dec 2,2005 10:40am - sinofangels-ray ""]
i can't wait to.... HA HA HA HA
[Dec 2,2005 10:42am - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha

i haven't either but hey to each his own....but i'd rather fuck a stripper than a straight up hooker! come to haverhill, we have lots of them here.
[Dec 2,2005 10:42am - InventorofEvil ""]
Ive been with 3 whores since 2001
[Dec 2,2005 10:47am - Robdeadskin ""]
were they good looking? or busted crack whores?
[Dec 2,2005 10:49am - the_reverend ""]
I have not and would not.
josh martin had the best hooker story.
[Dec 2,2005 10:51am - Josh_Martin ""]
Which story was that?
[Dec 2,2005 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
the one about the two girls and the blow jobs.
[Dec 2,2005 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
I think the moral come out to "metalheads, if you want blowjobs, get a hot wife"
[Dec 2,2005 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
found it
[Dec 2,2005 11:15am - Josh_Martin ""]
Oh yeah, that sucked.

Since I'm single again and don't care who reads this shit, here's a more positive one.

If you absolutely have to get a whore, go somewhere where they're legal. Much better than the seedy shit around here.
Like Germany for instance. Flew into Hamburg, got a couple nights off before the tour starts. Immediately hit the Reeperbahn to look for some drugs. Hookers are litterally everywhere. Our friend tells us about a "Men Only" street that women are not allowed to walk down unless they're a hooker. We HAVE to see this.
Sure enough, we come to a street that has a huge sign almost blocking it off saying no women allowed. Walking down it, there are store windows but instead of manequins in them, there are wicked wicked hot whores. Some of them were like Baywatch level hot. Drummer boy picks one and gets a blow job. I had drugs on the brain and passed. I was too chicken to try and sneak some weed through customs. The lack of THC combined with jet lag, shitty german food, and the round of vomiting I'd done from drinking something I forget the name of, killed any sex drive I might've had.
Next night was the 1st show. I get nice and stoned/drunk at the show. Driving back to our buddie's place in Hamburg I start thinking about the Baywatch whores and start yelling "TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING REEPERBAHN!!"
Back at the Men Only street I pick the hottest whore I can find. I point to her and she mointed me to come inside. The place was like a mini-brothel. She took me upstairs to a bedroom. There was a sink placed right at groin level and she told me to wash my dick off. The she stripped and put a condom on me. At this point I had only paid for a BJ. I'm staring at her tits and decide to go for the whole thing. Throw some more money at her and start fucking. She was so hot that when I came I pretended I didn't so I could keep fucking her.
So, hookers don't always suck.
[Dec 2,2005 11:45am - succubus ""]
I had forgotten you were married Josh! For the record you do have some of the best stories! You should write a book of short stories (i'm serious)

and to answer the question, nope I never had and have no interest to! =)
[Dec 2,2005 11:53am - BSV  ""]
I think my tour manager paid one off the morning after I had my fun in Quito, Ecuador. Ecuador whores were way more classy than the Peruvians that seemed to follow us around Lima. GOOD TIMES!!!
[Dec 2,2005 9:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
If you ever get a chance, pick up some of Kurt Brecht's books. (Singer of D.R.I.) They're fucking hysterical, there's one about living in a tree in San Fransisco, one about getting wasted in Mexico, and one entitled "Whore Stories" that's - you guessed it - entirely stories about getting whores. Lovely.
[Dec 2,2005 9:43pm - Anthony nli  ""]
succubus said:I had forgotten you were married Josh! For the record you do have some of the best stories! You should write a book of short stories (i'm serious)

that is a good idea. i think a lot of people would enjoy such a book.
[Dec 5,2005 12:14am - BornSoVile ""]
I love Jimmy Norton on O & A always ranting and raving about whores.
[Dec 5,2005 1:33am - infoterror ""]
[Dec 5,2005 7:17am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I'd fuck a hooker, but only to perform the most comical sex acts ever on her. Like the donkey punch, it's such a hysterical concept but it's all right to do it to hookers cause they have no souls.

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