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what are you drinkin tonight?

[Dec 2,2005 6:33pm - succubus ""]
i bought these HUGE glasses...filled it up with bailey's mostly, some butterscotch shnaps, some kaahlua

[Dec 2,2005 6:56pm - thedeparted ""]
sounds like a diabetics worst nightmare
what is the rev drinkin
[Dec 2,2005 6:58pm - succubus ""]
he popped in at his mom's and he's on his way to a show down the street from where she lives

btw i still have to see you guys play and take pics!
i haven't been to many shows lately...
[Dec 2,2005 6:59pm - Nate nli  ""]
I'm on my second glass of 100th Annivesary RC Cola, straight up.
[Dec 2,2005 7:03pm - Hooker nli  ""]
[Dec 2,2005 7:04pm - thedeparted ""]
well you should come down with the rev on the 15th to see us
play with verbana darvell and The #12 looks like you at the living room.
probably would be a good night for photos, hopefully there are some people there.

i wish i had some crystal pepsi...
[Dec 2,2005 7:09pm - succubus ""]
hmm perhaps i will!
[Dec 2,2005 7:09pm - succubus ""]
hooker, have drink...for me? please?
[Dec 2,2005 7:09pm - succubus ""]
Nate nli said:I'm on my second glass of 100th Annivesary RC Cola, straight up.

how's the weather there?
[Dec 2,2005 7:12pm - thedeparted ""]
i got so wasted on monday it was nuts.
i think im taking tonight off, and watching a dvd with my lady.

unless we head to dour cursiva's space then we will all be done for
[Dec 2,2005 7:15pm - Nate nli  ""]
In the low 40's right now. Not to cold yet. And there in NH?
[Dec 2,2005 7:51pm - pam nli  ""]
hitting the beer tonight...wooooo
[Dec 2,2005 7:53pm - Hooker nli  ""]
lied. just made green tea .
[Dec 2,2005 8:00pm - jesus ""]
jager + goldschlager :ralphie:
[Dec 2,2005 8:10pm - Anonymousity  ""]
12 Holiday Sam Adams ( Cranberry Lambic, Black Lager, etc.)
All you guys have a good time tonight.
[Dec 2,2005 8:10pm - Anonymousity  ""]
Succubus, thats some crazy milk related booze your putting down the hatch...
[Dec 2,2005 8:14pm - pam nli  ""]
I will have a ball. Beer and death metal....go!
[Dec 2,2005 8:15pm - George W.  ""]
[Dec 2,2005 8:16pm - Anonymousity  ""]
Slayer: Hell Awaits i hope pam! and some Morbid (Sweden) or Mayhem too! OR ELSE!!!!....
[Dec 2,2005 8:19pm - Anonymousity  ""]
Jack Daniels Too, okay!
[Dec 2,2005 8:56pm - sever ""]
Pff, pussies.

[Dec 2,2005 8:56pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Beck's Dark!!!
[Dec 2,2005 9:16pm - dreadkill ""]

i have to record some vocals later and my throat's been bugging me lately. i know i'm a pussy.
[Dec 2,2005 9:27pm - soloman ""]

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