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How do you change your password?

[Dec 3,2005 6:01pm - retzam ""]
When I change it in my update screen it just says that the user name is already taken.
[Dec 3,2005 6:02pm - the_reverend ""]
click on the FUCK thread. the link is in there.
[Dec 3,2005 6:04pm - succubus ""]
sorry i was baking..only saw this now:

ok you're already logged in..
now go here:
and then enter it in BOTH spaces provided to update it to whatever you want
[Dec 3,2005 6:06pm - succubus ""]
you'll see your personal info on that page..and next to your password you'll see dots...just erase both lines...there is "password" and "password (again)"...make sure they both match , then scroll to the bottom and click on "Enter Information"
and it will be updated to your new one
[Dec 3,2005 6:08pm - DerekRI ""]
That link is not working for me... its saying "password is blank" or something, and that's it.
[Dec 3,2005 6:14pm - succubus ""]
the link doesn't work?
do you see "UPDATE" towards the top of this page?
try clicking on that
[Dec 3,2005 7:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope that is all worked out.
[Dec 3,2005 9:38pm - succubus ""]
thx timma!
[Dec 4,2005 1:02am - DerekRI ""]
Nope, I just see this:

Password is blank, try againsorry, go back and try again

"try again" is a link, but I click on it, and get nothing.
[Dec 4,2005 1:05am - the_reverend ""]
put this:
at the end of the address on the top of this browser
[Dec 4,2005 1:12am - the_reverend ""]
I see why.
give me 5
[Dec 4,2005 1:18am - the_reverend ""]
ri, try now.
[Dec 4,2005 1:21am - brian_dc ""]
the_reverend said:put this:
at the end of the address on the top of this browser

the goggles....the do nothing?
[Dec 4,2005 1:44am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but does it work now?
[Dec 4,2005 3:20am - succubus ""]
he's probably sleeping now
[Dec 4,2005 3:22am - xxxproctologist,,,,  ""]
i'll never log in again....!!!!!...{insert evil laugh!}
[Dec 4,2005 10:40am - succubus ""]
[Dec 4,2005 12:42pm - succubus ""]
succubus said:bump

[Dec 4,2005 12:42pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 4,2005 4:46pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 4,2005 6:40pm - DerekRI ""]
so do i have to reenter all the info on that page to change the password? just entering the password twice doesnt seem to work.
[Dec 4,2005 6:57pm - Retzam ""]
Alright, it worked, it hadn't been working before though. Thanks guys.
[Dec 4,2005 7:08pm - succubus ""]
only the password should do it
[Dec 4,2005 8:58pm - DerekRI ""]
nope, doesnt work for me. when i do just the pw, it says "invalid email". when i do pw and email it says something about the nickname. when i do the nick, email, and pw, it says my nick is already taken... duh
[Dec 4,2005 9:13pm - succubus ""]
is internet explorer your browser?
is the email correct?
[Dec 4,2005 9:15pm - DerekRI ""]
mozilla. yes email is correct
[Dec 4,2005 9:26pm - succubus ""]
hmm can you try updating it in IE just to see if it works?
i know not everything always works 100% in mozilla but aaron's working on it
[Dec 4,2005 10:12pm - DerekRI ""]
it worked in IE. when i clicked on the link in mozilla, none of my info was entered, all the spaces were blank. in IE when i clicked, most of the spaces were already filled in. i reentered a new password, and it worked. thanks.
[Dec 4,2005 10:15pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck! I need to check mozilla..
[Dec 4,2005 10:26pm - succubus ""]
yes you do...
and glad it worked Derek!
[Dec 4,2005 10:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I used the text version on mozila and the real version in IE.
I don't know.
[Dec 5,2005 12:19pm - succubus ""]
Bump bcz there is a lot of useful info in here
[Dec 5,2005 1:41pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 6,2005 6:10pm - the_reverend ""]
the mozilla issue is fixed I hope
[Dec 6,2005 6:35pm - succubus ""]
cool..i hope

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