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Xbox Box sales are up on ebay

[Dec 5,2005 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 5,2005 9:55am - RustedAngel ""]

[Dec 5,2005 10:53am - adam_time ""]
what an asshole. it's funny, but this kid's an asshole.
i went to look at his feedback, hoping to read someone being flipshit over this, and it said he was no longer a registered user. he definitely got the boot.
[Dec 5,2005 10:54am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This is the PREMIUM BUNDLE BOX only. It would include bonus accessories, if it were the actual PREMIUM XBOX 360! DOES NOT Come with 20GB Hard Drive, Console, HD Cables, Wireless Controller, Headset! In other words for those of you who do not understand, YES YOU ARE GETTING AN EMPTY BOX SO DO NOT ASK! Great for gags! DO NOT bid if you don't intend to buy! No excuses, I will not retract bids for you! You will be reported to eBay if you backout after winning the auction. I Cannot be more clear! This is not even a factory made xbox 360 box. I made it myself, just a few minutes ago. It does not contain an Xbox 360 console, just the Xbox 360 home-made box. this box is great hand made by me says XBOX right on it It doesn't look anything like the picture I included in the auction. It looks much better, in my opinion.
[Dec 5,2005 10:55am - dyingmuse ""]
damn it i still want the one i ordered back in june!
[Dec 5,2005 8:26pm - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
adam_time said:what an asshole. it's funny, but this kid's an asshole.

Fuck it, if you're gonna bid six hundred dollars and not even read the fucking auction, then you deserve to pay that much for a cardboard box.
[Dec 5,2005 8:31pm - Doomkid ""]
Yeah, anyone who bids on this deserves to shell out whatever it costs for augmenting the stupidity of humanity.

This is kid a fucking genius.

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