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I love being in class

[Dec 5,2005 10:26am - succubus ""]
A week a month...school instead of job..it's paid for...and....toward getting my MBA
[Dec 5,2005 10:38am - succubus ""]
My highlight so far is telling the instructor an hour for lunch is too much..and I'd rather leave early..so he took a vote and everyone agreed
[Dec 5,2005 11:51am - paganmegan ""]
I'm going to school part time right now. I love it because I'm getting straight A's and I know its one more step towards getting a job I like, or at least don't hate as much and getting paid better. That's awesome you get your class paid for
[Dec 5,2005 12:11pm - succubus ""]
That's cool that yer doin it too..it's a nice break...except for the exams..lol

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