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FLASH website help needed

[Dec 6,2005 6:41pm - succubus ""]
i need help..someone started helping me 4 months ago and flaked out...

i know what i need to get done just dont' know how to do it..

[Dec 6,2005 11:39pm - thedeparted ""]
can i see whats been done so far?
[Dec 6,2005 11:47pm - succubus ""]
sure..i'll pm you
[Dec 6,2005 11:57pm - the_reverend ""]
carina... someone that knows how to use flash is going to be of ZERO help to you. some one already designed it and you don't have the flas just the swfs.

and aaron, why are you typing this online when carina is sitting 5 feet from you.
[Dec 7,2005 12:39am - thedeparted ""]
carina i replied, let me know

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