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Litacore's all new 'LIVE IN THE NOW!' thread . . .

[Dec 7,2005 10:03am - litacore ""]




living wage > life itself
[Dec 7,2005 10:35am - babyshaker ""]
i like that guitar except for the razor blade on the neck
[Dec 7,2005 10:40am - Arthur_ATD nli  ""]
carlino normally has good prices on his guitars and shit, and is a great guy, i'm sure if you talk to him about working out a payment plan, he can hook something up for you. He's done that for me before. Then again, i live down the fucking street from carlinos and im there all the time.
[Dec 7,2005 10:54am - litacore ""]
that guitar is so METAL!
[Dec 7,2005 12:51pm - paganmegan ""]
too pointy
[Dec 7,2005 12:52pm - pam ""]
If I could have sex with that guitar...I totally would.
[Dec 7,2005 12:52pm - paganmegan ""]
I like Vs, but I think I'd take someone's eye out with that guitar!
[Dec 7,2005 12:53pm - paganmegan ""]
pam said:If I could have sex with that guitar...I totally would.

For your roomate to hear?:shocked:
[Dec 7,2005 12:56pm - pam ""]
paganmegan said:pam said:If I could have sex with that guitar...I totally would.

For your roomate to hear?:shocked:

you're goddamn right. I don't have enough flesh to quite live up to her though.
[Dec 7,2005 1:03pm - paganmegan ""]
dude we should start a support group.
My roommate is a loud fatty sex having with a nasty dude perpetrator as well. Nauseating
[Dec 7,2005 1:13pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I would think it would be pretty easy for a chick to fuck that guitar. I mean, just look at it.
[Dec 7,2005 2:16pm - pam nli  ""]
paganmegan said:dude we should start a support group.
My roommate is a loud fatty sex having with a nasty dude perpetrator as well. Nauseating

Let's do it, we'll hold meetings at a bar and rather than discuss it, we'll drink and be cooler than the majority of the female race.
[Dec 7,2005 2:17pm - pam nli  ""]
Josh_Martin said:I would think it would be pretty easy for a chick to fuck that guitar. I mean, just look at it.

It'd be kinda awkward...

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