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NIGHTBRINGER (OCCULT Black Metal from the USA)

[Dec 8,2005 8:41pm - Cold Northern Vengeance NLI  ""]

One of the best new black metal bands, Nightbringer from Colorado is TRUE OCCULT Black metal with a truly Voidal atmosphere... The Occultist reigns in DEATH!!!

[Dec 8,2005 10:56pm - litacore ""]
they comin' around this neck of the woods?
[Dec 8,2005 11:13pm - nick ""]
im a little let down that nightbringer doesnt have anything to do with night ranger.
[Dec 8,2005 11:16pm - arillius ""]
nightbringer is awesome. fuckin' awesome.
[Dec 9,2005 12:08am - rigor penis  ""]
you're not true black metal until you stab someone in the head over a record deal, kill a gay person under an olymipc stadium, burn a church or freeze to death in the woods
[Dec 9,2005 12:45am - Cold Northern Vengeance NLI  ""]

[Dec 9,2005 12:51am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]

thats tr00 grim and kvlt
[Dec 9,2005 12:52am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I have a hard time getting into black metal
[Dec 9,2005 12:54am - arillius ""]
That's because you're Bodom Beach Terror @ Deviant Art.
[Dec 9,2005 1:02am - Cold Northern Vengeance NLI  ""]
This is definately some of the best ominous sounding bm I have heard in a long time... Fucking brilliant haunting and evil atmosphere.
[Dec 9,2005 1:07am - litacore ""]
Sister Christian you're MOTORING!
[Dec 9,2005 7:04am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I still need to hear TEMPLE OF NOT.
[Dec 13,2005 9:32pm - CNV  ""]
bump for this brilliant band
[Dec 14,2005 9:17am - DestroyYouAlot NLI  ""]
Bump for listening to this shit as soon as I get home. (And for disappreciation of not being able to listen to music at the new job. Feh.)
[Dec 22,2009 2:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bump. Nightbringer never fails.
[Apr 8,2013 1:34pm - Burnsy ""]
[Apr 8,2013 3:09pm - xmikex ""]


If link is active will be downloading. I didn't like the most recent Dodsengel though.
[Apr 8,2013 3:23pm - Burnsy ""]
If you buy the album, you get an immediate download of 2 of the 4 tracks. The Nightbringer track is solid. The Dodsengel track is pretty decent. Pales in comparison to Nightbringer though IMO.
[Apr 8,2013 3:28pm - permafrost ""]
Sweeeeet, will check this out when I get home.
[Apr 8,2013 3:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Eager to hear this. Really love the Dodsengel "Mirium Occultum" - one of my favorite black metal releases of the past few years. Didn't even listen to any of "Imperator" yet - hard for me to find motivation to clear out 2.5 hours to listen to one album regardless of how much I like the band. Nightbringer is phat, though.
[Apr 8,2013 4:51pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Never even heard of Dodsengel and Nightbringer can bore me if I'm not in the right mind set...downloading it now.
[Apr 8,2013 4:51pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Saw them live in the woods of colorado many moons ago... that was awesome
[Apr 8,2013 4:56pm - Burnsy ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:Saw them live in the woods of colorado many moons ago... that was awesome

Yeah I've always wanted to go to that. It got fucked up last year due to the wildfires.
[Apr 8,2013 5:08pm - arilliusbm ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:Saw them live in the woods of colorado many moons ago... that was awesome

picture of passed out AndrewBastard in tent on fmp or gtfo
[Apr 8,2013 10:06pm - permafrost ""]
Yeah. Was soooooo disappointed, been looking forward to attending gathering of shadows for years.
[Oct 17,2014 12:39pm - Fags  ""]
[Oct 18,2014 9:51pm - Lark Maskey  ""]
Drummer had some Norse pendant, obvious white supremacist. I'll make sure this band never plays in any state I live in.

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