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David Cronenberg = THE MAN

[Dec 13,2005 7:13pm - litacore ""]
ok, I just Netflix-ed 'The Brood'


Cronenberg is one of the best horror directors. EVER.

sure, he's had a few clunkers but jumpin' jehosophat--COMBINATION OF SMART WITH GORY???

sign me up.
[Dec 13,2005 7:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
he's horror?

I always thought he was just peculiar

I mean, Crash isn't horror
[Dec 13,2005 7:26pm - litacore ""]
go to the early shit, duder!

Crash is gay porn. Pretty hot gay porn, too, I might add.
[Dec 13,2005 7:40pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yes, Cronenburg does in fact kick ass. I never saw the Brood but I heard it was good. I have a list of some of my favs.

Scanners (duh)
The Fly (The old one was good too but...this one rules!!)
Dead Ringers
Spider (Fuckin weird Ralph Fiennes)
Naked Lunch

Yeah, definately a weird director/writer but no denying his genious.
[Dec 13,2005 8:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Naked Lunch wasn't horror either.

Naked Lunch kicks ass, it blows away the book and is a much tighter plot line by far.
[Dec 14,2005 1:07pm - BlackoutRick ""]
That is the first time I heard the movie was better than the book. I can believe it though considering Burroughs was fucked up. And yes, not all of Cronenburg's stuff is horror but brilliant none the less.
[Dec 14,2005 1:31pm - Aegathis ""]
what was that other one with James woods? the one about watching smut? that was like the only one i didnt really like all that much personally.Scanners is just awsome, i always watch the head explosion scene over and over, and that history of violence movie was pretty cool too.
[Dec 14,2005 2:10pm - litacore ""]
that was VIDEODROME.

Long Live the New Flesh!

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