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More Metal than anything

[Aug 18,2003 7:43pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 18,2003 8:02pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Aug 18,2003 8:14pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
that guy makes me angry...he can't be human if he can play guitar as well as he can. fuck him. i'll toss a pie at his face.:bartmoon:
[Aug 18,2003 8:48pm - baneofexistence ""]
mike from n.i.t.r.o rules i always hated they guitar sound but man can that guy shred i have some live n.i.t.r.o. video with him
[Aug 19,2003 9:04pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
NITRO is horrible, but michael angelo is amazing
[Aug 20,2003 12:24am - Cryptic Roslindale  ""]
I'm surprised to hear anti- NITRO postings... I always thought they were just too great for anyone to resist. Cracked out vocal melodies? Insanely high vocals? Great musicianship? Freight Train?

I also have seen a live NITRO music video and it was possible the godliest thing that ever passed before my eyes. From the moment the four necked guitar appears in the sky in a flash of light and descends to Michael Angelo's arms, it is pure gold. You haven't lived until you see that man play a four necked guitar squatting like some sort of mutant fiddler crab.

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