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Family X-mas Party

[Dec 18,2005 3:45pm - Ryan_M ""]
today my family is having our christmas party. fuck i have a lot of hot cousins; if only my family was southern, i could be getting laid right now!:spineyes:
[Dec 18,2005 4:35pm - scoracrasia ""]
Ryan_M said:today my family is having our christmas party. fuck i have a lot of hot cousins; if only my family was southern, i could be getting laid right now!:spineyes:

I will come up and bang some of yer cousins.
Can I get them hammered?
[Dec 18,2005 5:47pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. banging your cousins is always a good idea.
[Dec 18,2005 6:09pm - dreadkill ""]
my dad's family had their xmas party today, but i was too busy for it. they'll all be too drunk to notice i'm not there anyway.
[Dec 18,2005 7:24pm - anonymous  ""]
I hear ya.Ive been wanting to fuck my hot cousin for years now

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