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Bands wanted for NEPGM Fest 2006 - auditions

[Dec 19,2005 9:44am - Othniel77 ""]
Gluttons for punishment, promoters Anderson Mar and Matthew Marchesi are ready to do it all over again! That's right - The 2nd Annual New England Punk, Goth, and Metal Fest (September 30-October 1, 2006) is now seeking interested performers.

As in the past, we select our Festival performers via an audition process known as "Slaughter House Saturday" - here's the scoop:

1. Auditions are held at Reflections Lounge (http://www.reflectionslounge.com) in Chelmsford, MA. It's a great venue - alot of nationals have played there. They also serve food.

2. Your band gets to play an ALL-AGES show during the hours of 1-6 PM on a Saturday afternoon. You can sell merch if you'd like. All-ages shows are great, because, as you know, teens have the highest amount of disposable income and are more likely to spend it supporting the bands

3. We GIVE you 50 tickets to pre-sell to your fans at a discount for your SHS/NEPGM Fest audition. Your fans get to see 4 bands for $8, saving $2 off the at-the-door admission price. Bands turn in the ticket sale $ and unused tickets to Matthew Marchesi on the date of their audition. YOU KEEP $2 off of every ticket sold (sell all 50, you make $100...just to audition...not bad, eh?)

4. Pick your date from those listed below. Please pick a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice...audition dates are decided on a first-come, first-serve basis (this is why we ask you list 2nd and 3rd choices.

5. Email your choice of date to: Admin@nepgmfest.com and cc: me (Anderson@nepgmfest.com) in on the email, please. Please provide your mailing address so that we can send you your 50 tickets.

6. Feel free to forward this to every band you know.


7/01 MAYBE...


Ms. Anderson Mar, Dark Sky Productions
Mr. Matthew Marchesi, Spaz-Tik Ltd.
Collectively known as: The New England Punk Goth & Metal Festival

[Dec 19,2005 9:48am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Othniel77 said:3. We GIVE you 50 tickets to pre-sell to your fans at a discount for your SHS/NEPGM Fest audition. Your fans get to see 4 bands for $8, saving $2 off the at-the-door admission price. Bands turn in the ticket sale $ and unused tickets to Matthew Marchesi on the date of their audition. YOU KEEP $2 off of every ticket sold (sell all 50, you make $100...just to audition...not bad, eh?)

this isn't one of those "yea we gave em to ya...now you owe us the money for all of em" deals is it?
[Dec 19,2005 9:54am - Othniel77 ""]
No...bands sell the tix they can, then turn in the unused tix to the Fest organizers at the door, along with the pre-sale revenue minus the $2 for every ticket sold, which is the band's to keep.
[Dec 19,2005 9:55am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
ahh...i thought so...just thought i would clarify

i sent you an e-mail...just because we've never played reflections before and we'll try just about anything once...except anal sex and crack
[Dec 19,2005 10:00am - Othniel77 ""]
Being a DIY underground promoter means I can't afford the crack for the bands...maybe cracker-jack is more in the budget. Rec'd your email and just replied. Feel free to pass this info. onto other bands you've enjoyed sharing a bill with in the past at other clubs you have played.
[Dec 19,2005 10:26am - DreamingInExile ""]
you can probably count Shroud in for one of those dates, I'll talk to the guys & girls tonight about it
[Dec 19,2005 10:29am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
And so it begins again... :doublehorns:
[Dec 19,2005 12:03pm - SeedBassist ""]
Seed would definately do that. We'll talk about it, then get back to you
[Dec 19,2005 12:04pm - DreamingInExile ""]
kyle, we should try to get on the same audition show, so we can actually play another show together before we all die
[Dec 19,2005 2:47pm - SeedBassist ""]
Definately, we should try and set it up that way, just let me know what dates are good for shroud, and i'll do the same for us
[Dec 19,2005 2:54pm - Othniel77 ""]
Drop me a line, bands, at:


These dates are filling up fast!
[Dec 19,2005 4:08pm - dreadkill ""]
dreaded silence would be down for one of these shows. we want to play with metal bands if we get on one though. maybe we could get on with shroud and seed.
[Dec 20,2005 1:49pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
*cough* the sac is playing 2/25 *cough*
[Dec 20,2005 1:53pm - Othniel77 ""]
Slots are going fast! Sign up your band now.
[Dec 20,2005 1:54pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:*cough* the sac is playing 2/25 *cough*

so is George Carlin
[Dec 20,2005 1:56pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that's at night though

we will reign during the day for once
[Dec 20,2005 2:26pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
oh yeah...haha, i forgot that the shows are during the day!
[Dec 20,2005 2:36pm - Othniel77 ""]
1-6 PM
[Dec 21,2005 8:48am - ben nli  ""]
deathamphetamine would be interested to play one of these days as well
[Dec 21,2005 9:20am - DreamingInExile ""]
SeedBassist said:Definately, we should try and set it up that way, just let me know what dates are good for shroud, and i'll do the same for us

the only issue is we'd be competing to sell tix...

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