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Being late for work on purpose appreciation thread

[Dec 19,2005 9:56am - xmikex_killing_time  ""]
It's Monday. I'm at the library instead of going to work. I figure I can show up about 15-20 minutes late without anyone really caring. It's funny because I'm salaried and I'm still getting paid for it.

:duffbeer::duffbeer::tightiewhities::tightiewhities::tightiewhities::sctachy::sctachy::sctachy::bartmoon::bartmoon: still getting paid :NEWHORNS::middlefinger::shocker::shocked::spineyes::gun::yoda::stupidflanders::stupidflanders::stupidflanders::stupidflanders::stupidflanders::stupidflanders::stupidflanders::itchy::krusty: STILL getting paid for this:tightiewhities::tightiewhities::tightiewhities::tightiewhities::tightiewhities::tightiewhities::tightiewhities:

[Dec 19,2005 9:57am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
nuts to your salary...it's all about disability
[Dec 19,2005 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
heh, salary is awesome... until you get one of those 80hr weeks.
[Dec 19,2005 10:02am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
80 hr weeks?!
[Dec 19,2005 10:42am - succubus ""]
yes my old job used to milk it soo much. at least on a qurterly basis..getting in around 7ish am and leaving at midnight

I'm so happy at my new place!
[Dec 19,2005 10:47am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i would have memo'd my boss a fist for that
[Dec 19,2005 11:12am - succubus ""]
you know, i left that place almost a year ago and only last week did i get $2500 (after taxes) that they still owed me
[Dec 19,2005 11:22am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that can be a blessing in disguise though...you might have wasted that money on somethign that would no longer exist or is completely nonsensical at this time
[Dec 19,2005 11:22am - dftg  ""]
succubus said:you know, i left that place almost a year ago and only last week did i get $2500 (after taxes) that they still owed me

work fucking sucks. fuck employers.

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