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[Dec 26,2005 1:31am - cdan nli  ""]

best band ever!

why didn't anybody tell me?!?

[Dec 26,2005 4:43am - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
i fucking love this band not only do they write an incredible metal cd but there folk cd kicks ass to!
[Dec 26,2005 8:31am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Been listening to them since the demo, 98/99 they do rule, both the folk album and the heavier albums.

Midnattens Widunder and Visor Om Sluet are still my favorite records though.
[Dec 26,2005 8:51am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I almost forgot about this. goddamn i's gonna be good.
[Dec 26,2005 11:22am - Ryan_M ""]
i remember when i first heard of them, i wasn't sure about them because they were described as "polka metal" - how could polka and metal possibly sound good? my friend bought the "nattfödd" album and i was absolutely blown away; i loved it and made a copy of it for myself. all these bouncy folk melodies, but they're unbelievably aggressive.
one of the most unique bands i've ever heard in my life.

by the way, anyone know if them and sodom are coming around any closer than new york on their tour?
[Dec 26,2005 3:33pm - cdan nli  ""]

i want all their shit, i hope newbury has anything.
[Dec 26,2005 4:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No, NY is the closest. Poughkeepsie on the 7th and NYC on the 8th, I believe.
[Dec 26,2005 4:48pm - CNV  ""]
Nattfod in my favorite... Good for getting drunk and skipping around woodland bon fires.
[Dec 26,2005 7:07pm - cdan nli  ""]
hahaha, holy shit, they have a video, so fucking funny.

[Dec 26,2005 11:13pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm seeing them in NY...fuckin awesome.
[Sep 18,2007 12:28pm - sxealex ""]

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