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Some people on this board need to show some respect to the METAL ELITE!!!

[Aug 20,2003 7:56pm - Finalbloodbath ""]
Nu- SLAYER are you fucking crazy they are what they are I ve never heard such a gay tag for a real METAL band ok they aint playing all of their older shit anymore but what can you do time and people will change you know. I cant imagine some of you fucks talking shit about SLAYER half you of you fuckers aint hit puberty and I bet if you NU mother fuckers started a band youd be lucky to last one album and if you did last one album the next one be some trendy fuckin powerman 5k meets manson (marylin). Oh I love the undisputed attitude album after listening to that I feel like telling the whole world to fuck themselves Slayers got fuckin roots you guys got clown shoes that keep changing sizes.
[Aug 20,2003 9:03pm - baneofexistence ""]
i'm 36 and if i want to lable slayer as NU-slayer i will deal with it and take your med's!!!!!!!!

i don't know you or how old you are judging by your post i'd say mid teens at best.

i'm the guitarist of bane of existence and have been a slayer fan since 1985 i don't expect slayer to play all old stuff but i also don't think they should be playing sappy nu-metal songs slayerized!
[Feb 5,2013 11:58am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 6,2013 9:10am - Hoser ""]
[Feb 6,2013 10:52am - BSV  ""]
This dude was tapped, ALL SET.
[Feb 6,2013 11:17am - xmikex ""]
One of my fav FBB moments was Phil breaking down why he didn't want to be in a band with him

No one owed you anything we only jammed twice and you couldnt even remember your own riffs then you drank half the beer in my fridge, mouthed off to a cop when we got pulled over on the way to the roast beef place, kept telling us we where posers and wanted to sound like hatebreed when we said we didnt want to sound just like goatwhore and then asked me about 30 times if you could take beer home with you then when you finally wore me down you took twice as much as I said you could.
[Feb 6,2013 11:23am - Mark_R ""]
Haha that's pretty good.
This guy was well before my time. I browsed through a few of his threads and he seemed either a little unhinged or a very committed entertainer.
[Feb 6,2013 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
he's going to get his mom to call you about that post you know.
[Feb 6,2013 12:14pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I don't remember much of FBB. Which Phil was he jamming with?

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