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former sox pitcher arrested after attempted jewelery store robbery

[Dec 27,2005 1:12am - intricateprocess ""]
just saw this on the news. Jeff Reardon got busted in florida for attempted robbery of a jewelery store.

he pitched for the twins in the late 80's and the sox in the early 90's
[Dec 27,2005 1:30am - DomesticTerror ""]
now he'll be playing catcher
[Dec 27,2005 2:44am - BornSoVile ""]
saw him blow a save against the Royals, my first game ever! still got a bunch of his cards.
[Dec 27,2005 7:07am - Vomitthesoul ""]
Who cares
[Dec 27,2005 9:51am - Al_Ravage ""]
He was probably trying to steal a championship ring.
[Dec 27,2005 12:02pm - brian_dc ""]
he was a pretty successful player too...toooooo bad.
[Dec 27,2005 11:25pm - intricateprocess ""]
supposedly he was all fucked up on his prescription medications. at least thats what he said
[Dec 28,2005 12:45am - Al_Ravage ""]
I believe he was the Rolaids reliver of the year one year, so that's not too suprising.

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