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The worst you've ever smelled

[Dec 27,2005 9:40pm - Ryan_M ""]
I work in the meat department of a Hannaford grocery store. As our butchers cut, they toss the excess scraps into small plastic barrels, and at the end of the day, when we clean up, those small barrels are emptied into 4 bigger barrels stored in our back room/cooler, and are routinely emptied out every other week by a seperate company. Not cleaned, just emptied.
Well, these larger barrels haven't been properly cleaned for a while, and stink to high heaven of rotting meat and fat when you open them.

Tonight, while closing, i was asked to hose them out. There was still a collection of rotten meat stuck to the bottom of the 2 barrels i cleaned out, and hitting that shit with hot water, and the steam blowing out, filled with that rotten stench, man, i think i'd rather smell my own feces. i can't tell you how many times i gagged and almost puked from the smell; luckily i managed to keep my lunch down.

So what's the worst thing you ever smelled?
[Dec 27,2005 9:47pm - Hooker nli  ""]
i got nothing, man.

not on that.
[Dec 27,2005 10:19pm - niccolai ""]
I'v driven in a car with Mark richards after playing a show.

His sweat is like rotten pastrami.

Beat that.
[Dec 27,2005 10:24pm - niccolai ""]
Radio active pastrami at that.
[Dec 27,2005 10:38pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I will never buy meat from hannaford again...just the thought of that is disgusting
[Dec 27,2005 10:41pm - xmikex ""]
i hear you on the rendering barrells. i did Meat dept for Stop and Shop for like 6 years. They're pretty rank, but I could usually handle them. Usually if you hit them with some sanitizer it knocks the stench right down. I don't know what kind of sanitizer you guys use, but the stuff we had killed the smell pretty quick.

Surprisingly though the produce rendering barrells, I found, smelled a whole lot worse than the meat. I'd dread going into the stock room hallways when those were being hauled away. Unbarable.
[Dec 27,2005 10:57pm - wade ""]
I had to bury a decaying shark once. unpleasant.
[Dec 27,2005 10:57pm - wade ""]
i mean, it would have been worth it if i could've scored a tooth and made a bad-ass necklace.
[Dec 27,2005 11:43pm - spaldino  ""]
old guy's ripping huge crusty farts in front of me and acting like nothing happened... that shit happens a lot at the hospital.
[Dec 27,2005 11:44pm - spaldino  ""]
actually... the worst.... seriously... is the stench of skunk spray up close... like... within 2 inches of me. my friends dog tried to attack askunk and i watched it get sprayed... the dog whined a lot and ran in my direction... i threw up in my throat a little bit... it was horrible.
[Dec 28,2005 12:23am - eddie ""]
i have a friend who likes the smell of skunk

worst smell would be fresh dog shit and bleach.
[Dec 28,2005 12:23am - eddie ""]
[Dec 28,2005 12:29am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
My cats' litter box, I throw up every time I have to clean it.
[Dec 28,2005 12:59am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
have you ever gone into the bathroom intending to brush your teeth, and then had to take a shit right before you got to the brushing? Because the taste of toothpaste mixed with the stench of fresh shit is friggin nauseating.
[Dec 28,2005 12:46pm - dreadkill ""]
eddie said:i have a friend who likes the smell of skunk

worst smell would be fresh dog shit and bleach.

i like the smell of skunk sometimes. it's pungent and stings the nostrils.
[Dec 28,2005 12:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i hate the smell of puke. it makes me puke, then i smell my puke and it makes me puke...you get the idea.
[Dec 28,2005 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
the worst smell is when you open a bottle of old, yellow milk. it is beyond repulsive.
[Dec 28,2005 2:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
"The worst you've ever smelled"

I dunno, I usually take showers.
[Dec 28,2005 2:14pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
RustedAngel said:"The worst you've ever smelled"

I dunno, I usually take showers.

which hand do you wipe with?
[Dec 28,2005 2:15pm - Christraper ""]
cat puke
[Dec 28,2005 2:19pm - the_reverend ""]
shitting+puking at the same time.
[Dec 28,2005 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
IS this thread about the worst you personally have smelled or the worst smelled you've actually smelled?
[Dec 28,2005 2:55pm - dreadkill ""]
i used to live with this fat dude named smelly frank, aka smank and frankastank. he was a fat guy who only took one shower a semester and it turned the shower black. he didn't wipe his ass ever. people would find his shit-caked underwears on the floor. being enclosed in a room with him for more than 2 minutes created the most foul smell in the world. we taped a bar of soap to his door once to give him a hint, but he still wouldn't clean himself.
[Dec 28,2005 2:57pm - Vomitthesoul ""]
My cousin dont shower to often.Sometimes he smells like old,rotting garbage LMAO!!!!
[Dec 28,2005 3:00pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
when you leave chinese broccali and chicken, and general tsao's chicken in a car, for about 2 hours. That smell will kill you.
[Dec 28,2005 3:02pm - dreadkill ""]
frankastank had so much dirt on him that it was under his skin. new skin grew over the dirt. his scalp had so much gunk built up that it ruined scissors when someone tried to give him a haircut. his moles had moles on them. he looked kind of like michael moore, but uglier and without glasses.
[Dec 28,2005 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
bahahaha oh man. how do you let yourself get to that state? when is enough enough?
[Dec 28,2005 3:17pm - dreadkill ""]
he claimed he tried to kill himself twelve times. i think you should only get one mulligan with suicide. you can botch it once, but after that you're just looking for attention.
[Dec 28,2005 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i knew this fat dude named Frank Snow who was a disgusting mess. but he is dead now.
[Dec 28,2005 3:26pm - dreadkill ""]
this kid's name was frank mitchell. we also called him frank smells like shitchell

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