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Meet the Feebles

[Dec 28,2005 10:17am - soloman ""]
saw this two days ago. Really cool puppet movie involving drugs, nasal porn, aids, and bloody massacre. Its not just debauchery though, its actually a really good movie. Peter jackson is a genius.
[Dec 28,2005 10:27am - Vomitthesoul ""]
Never saw this.Is it worth buying?
[Dec 28,2005 10:29am - Yeti ""]
its Peter Jacksons work. of course its worth buying. the part with the fly eating the shit is vomitous.
[Dec 28,2005 10:33am - soloman ""]
ha ha yeah the fly eating the poop in the toilet was the most gross part for me too. I got the movie for christmas but yeah i'd say it's worth buying.
[Dec 28,2005 10:49am - pisscup ""]
Anybody who hasn't seen this needs to.
[Dec 28,2005 11:39am - Christraper ""]
Meet The Feebles rocks the cock
[Dec 28,2005 12:10pm - wade nli  ""]
hah. "I was about to top my cookies!"

[Dec 28,2005 2:19pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
A cinematic classic!
[Dec 28,2005 3:37pm - jon theaccursed nli  ""]
one of the greatest movies of all time!
[Dec 28,2005 3:40pm - dreadkill ""]
we have the poster in our practice space.
[Jan 29,2016 1:34pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 29,2016 2:23pm - Wobert  ""]
100% worth watching

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