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when's the last time you checked yer eyes?

[Dec 28,2005 10:38am - succubus ""]
i think 3 years for me...and i'm going today..hopefully i won't get told that i need glasses to drive...
[Dec 28,2005 10:39am - thedeparted ""]
ah yeah that would stink, i hate that stuff they put in your eyes
to make them dialate...you cant see shit after that heh
[Dec 28,2005 11:28am - succubus ""]
oh yeah...at least i don't have to do the contact lens thingy
[Dec 28,2005 1:47pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I go once a year...Well, Being diabetic I have too, But you are recommended to go at least every other year otherwise
[Dec 28,2005 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I wish I could think up a lot of "maybe you should get your eyes checked" jokes.
[Dec 28,2005 2:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i go every two years. i think i gotta go again, my eyes have seemed really bad lately...maybe i should just get more than 4 hours sleep a night...

p.s. there are few things sexier than a woman wearing glasses
[Dec 28,2005 2:27pm - the_reverend ""]
carina+glasses.. looks like someone's getting a bj from a naughty secretary
[Dec 28,2005 4:36pm - succubus ""]
naughty secretary in a week and a half..when i get them
my eyes have deteriorated from 3 yrs ago..damn
[Dec 28,2005 4:45pm - the_reverend ""]
d'uh. that's what eyes do.
did you get the semenx coating on them?
[Dec 28,2005 6:11pm - bradleyfuckingmann  ""]
i scratched my cornea over the summer and got my optometry on. shit sucked.

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