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Understanding Lyrics

[Dec 28,2005 5:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I have noticed a trend for bands, as they get bigger, to make their lyrics clearer and more understandable. Wha...?? I just heard new Candiria and the lyrics are all very clear and no longer death metal style growls. The new Converge is way less caustic, vocally, than on prior releases.

Is anyone else put off by this? I like when it's all sludgey vox. I think Burnt By The Sun made this move, too, but I can't remember...Oleander's vocals were the least intelligable around
[Dec 28,2005 5:51pm - bradleyfuckingmann  ""]
yeah i've noticed it too. i think it's just a product of when a band gains popularity and/or increased label support they have more money to put into the production of an album. in turn the brutality of vocals suffers beneath the wrath of protools or something like it.

as for converge, i don't think jake's vocals will ever be intelligible. even on "dead".
[Dec 28,2005 7:25pm - sever ""]
I think the reason that jake's vocals on the new converge is just because his voice is wearing out. I mean, jesus, listen to concubine - do you really think that a man's voice can take that for very long? but yeah i am put off by that.
[Dec 28,2005 9:09pm - wade ""]
i don't know. there's plenty of "classic" J.Bannon vocals on YFM. His approach on the record was very methodical, he wanted to emphasize certain things. I don't consider it to be "better" than Jane Doe, but different, a more challenging album.

there's no comparing his vocals on YFM to bands that do it to obviously gain a new fanbase. compromising integrity is just not in that band's picture.
[Dec 28,2005 10:53pm - xmikex ""]
intelligible lyrics are good for t shirt slogans, and crappy tattoos, and myspace profile quotes. which are all, through one way or another, good for record sales.
[Dec 28,2005 11:01pm - the_reverend ""]
"mom's heart doesn't wash clean like this sink. it absorbs everything that touches it like the bathroom rug."
[Dec 28,2005 11:44pm - Lamp ""]
I always liked the vocals more angry and incoherent, not even so much because of the brutality factor that goes with it(though that helps), but because a lot of times bands just write crappy lyrics and I'd rather not let what they're saying ruin good music.
[Dec 29,2005 6:01am - wade ""]
imagine if you could consistently understand obituary or napalm death..
[Dec 29,2005 6:38am - Vomitthesoul ""]
Why are u listenting to Candiareaha?

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