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I made it to the Dean Artists page!

[Dec 29,2005 3:01pm - litacore ""]

I'm like, the tenth item down. They must have fucked with the mp3s, they sound slow and doomy and guttural! heh, all the better....

[Dec 29,2005 3:03pm - Hooker nli  ""]
that rules
[Dec 29,2005 3:05pm - litacore ""]
free guitars GIMME
[Dec 29,2005 3:06pm - brian_dc ""]
your V is awesome...they'd want to send you a dime model...boo.
[Dec 29,2005 3:06pm - brian_dc ""]
but that does rule that you're up on that page.
[Dec 29,2005 3:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I want ProCo to sponsor me

i need a new pedal
[Dec 29,2005 3:09pm - pam nli  ""]
wow, congrats!!! That's fuckin sick.
[Dec 29,2005 3:11pm - litacore ""]
brian_dc said:your V is awesome...they'd want to send you a dime model...boo.

one of the things I don't like about my Mach V (and the Dean Razorback, although I haven't tried one yet) is the horn. Gets in the way when I go to the octave. That's it. Flying V's are soooo fucking comfy to play
[Dec 29,2005 3:40pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
ooh, look at lita, now she's too good to talk to us cause she's a rock star!


[Dec 29,2005 3:58pm - Bullocks  ""]
[Dec 29,2005 4:04pm - Hooker nli  ""]
my buddy just bought a 1980 v for like $700. the neck is a little bat-ish but it's still a dream to play
[Dec 29,2005 6:12pm - paganmegan ""]
Awesome larissa, haha you're a guitar hero
[Dec 29,2005 6:13pm - paganmegan ""]
Now I gotta try to get on the jackson website.
[Dec 29,2005 11:46pm - Kinslayer  ""]
paganmegan said:Now I gotta try to get on the jackson website.

Seriously. Fuck!
Congrats on making th Dean page...did they(Dean) offer/give you anything for that?
[Dec 30,2005 12:35am - litacore ""]
Kinslayer said:paganmegan said:Now I gotta try to get on the jackson website.

Seriously. Fuck!
Congrats on making th Dean page...did they(Dean) offer/give you anything for that?

nope, I just wanted to raise my nu-metal street cred

. . .


. . .

no free guitars yet
just wanted to put Hekseri out there

plus I really do love Deans

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