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are you a Superfly person? or a Shaft person?

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[Dec 29,2005 5:49pm - litacore ""]
Superfly wins in THIS camp, hands down

Shaft is a badass cop, but still he's just that: a cop.

Priest (in Superfly) had the guts to tell the white, corrupt police commisioner in the end:
"If ANYTHING happens to me, I hired WHITE killers to dispose of your ENTIRE FAMILY."

Superfly > Shaft as far as Blaxploitation goes. Just an FYI.

although I haven't yet seen "Shaft in Africa"

will have to Netflix THAT ONE next. It may tip the scales, but not likely, due to the above stated reasons.

Superfly has a better soundtrack, too.
[Dec 30,2005 7:52am - SuperFly ""]
you know what my vote is.
[Dec 30,2005 8:21am - powerkok ""]
ummm.....fishbowl pimp boots? hello..? Im gonna git you sucka!
[Dec 30,2005 9:04am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
powerkok said:ummm.....fishbowl pimp boots? hello..? Im gonna git you sucka!

yeah, those shoes pretty much conquer everything.

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