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Completely normal

[Dec 31,2005 11:14am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Dec 31,2005 11:14am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Dec 31,2005 11:15am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
...nobody's at work, so what I mean is that this is not a video of an asian lady eating shit or a horse ejaculating.
[Dec 31,2005 11:16am - sever ""]
[Dec 31,2005 11:26am - BornSoVile ""]
hahah, i read that file name and wondered aloud, "the 5 of us?"
[Dec 31,2005 11:55am - KillerKadoogan ""]
oh my good christ
[Dec 31,2005 11:56am - hahahahha  ""]
...and the kids did the grave. I love it.
[Dec 31,2005 12:11pm - hahahahha  ""]
[Dec 31,2005 12:36pm - niccolai ""]

[Dec 31,2005 1:18pm - morannli  ""]
What the fuck.
[Dec 31,2005 1:50pm - pam nli  ""]
[Dec 31,2005 5:16pm - INFECT ""]
every life is sacred!!!!

those surviving children are gona be pretty fucked up
[Dec 31,2005 5:26pm - niccolai ""]
No, they will probably get hungry and eat eachother for energy after they inbreed for a few more generations.

There's quite a few kids in that familly. I bet daddy realized there were too many and hit mommy in the stomach.
[Dec 31,2005 9:24pm - Dr. Sludge  ""]
I wonder if the little fetus had a mullet too
[Dec 31,2005 10:59pm - powerkok ""]
wow, just wow. Unfortunately, these are the kind of ppl that will live to be 105. Its sick.
[Jan 1,2006 12:29am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
hahahahha said:[img]

The yellow shovel kid seems to be giving the dirt a violent tap as if to say "Good Riddance, I'm still the baby!"
[Jan 1,2006 2:28am - whoremastery ""]
so what it spilled out into the toilet and, she fished it out for family picture day? WTF!!!
[Jan 1,2006 2:30am - whoremastery ""]
and then they made a casket then buried it..i wanna email these people and, tell them there fuckin tapped.

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