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Contra is currently seeking a new full-time bassist.

[Jan 2,2006 6:52pm - the_reverend ""]
Contra is currently seeking a new full-time bassist. The band released the following on the matter:

So in true Contra fashion we are at the point where yet again we are seeking a new member. We need a bass player. Here's the criteria:

- Must be a bass player (none of this I play guitar but I can play bass in your band. Believe it or not there is a difference between playing styles).

- Must be available to tour as of Feb. 1st! And to tour full time there after.

- Must have professional equipment or the means to acquire professional equipment immediately!

- Must not be in any other bands. Sorry but if you really wanna take a shot at this but your in another band, you gotta drop’em. Nothing personal, we just have to make sure that Contra always comes first.

- Must be over 18, it's too hard to tour with minors.

- Must not have any other obligations, no full time job, school, etc.

- Must live in the Ventura County/Los Angeles/Santa Barbara area or be willing to relocate.

- Must have transportation to and from practices and such. We have a van but it doesn't mean we're gonna cart your ass around in it all the time.

- Last but not least, if you want to try out, learn the songs on the myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/contra). We wanna try you out to our songs, not how well you can play someone else’s. The songs on the space are in drop C.

If interested, please email xiriskillsx@gmail.com

[Jan 5,2006 11:52pm - xDrewBloodx  ""]
"So in true Contra fashion we are at the point where yet again we are seeking a new member."

...gee, I wonder why?

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