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[Jan 5,2006 12:24pm - succubus ""]
ok so i am hearing the girls next to me say that they were gonna go out but not in this snowy mess so i just stood up to look out (i lost my window seat..sigh) and WOW
it's snowing so hard and it's white everywhere...
that's in portsmouth...
what about where you live/are?

aaron will be happy tonight...

ps: sorry john...but i had to make a new thread
[Jan 5,2006 12:25pm - anonymous  ""]
no snow here in Wayland MA, but I'm soon we'll get hit soon
[Jan 5,2006 12:28pm - succubus ""]
ohh i haven't been to wayland in a long time! nice town
[Jan 5,2006 12:29pm - ndeath ""]
Got light snow where I am.Im in Tewksbury,MA and its gonna change to rain later
[Jan 5,2006 12:32pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
nothing here in RI...
[Jan 5,2006 12:32pm - pam nli  ""]
no show in New Bedford, just cold drizzle.
[Jan 5,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
there is TONS of snow in andover mass,
it rules.
[Jan 5,2006 12:46pm - thedeparted ""]
no snow in prov

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