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Void Expression back on the air, 2005 top 20

[Jan 5,2006 2:47pm - VoidExpression ""]
Hey guys, just wanted to give those who are interested a heads up that Void Expression has returned to it's usual WZBC 90.3 FM Sunday night 10:30 or 10-1 time slot after the holiday break. This week we are counting down our favorite 20 "metal" albums from 2005 (and a few from the latter parts of 2004), which are listed below. Lame? Of course, but it should be a good time.

1. Sigh - Gallows Gallery
2. Korpiklaani - Voice of the Wilderness
3. Kekal - Acidity
4. Rapture - The Silent Stage
5. Lurker of Chalice - Lurker of Chalice
6. Earth - Hex: or The Infernal Printing Method
7. Vinterriket - Der Letze Winter - Der Ewigkeit Entgegen
8. Negator - Die Eisernen Verse
9. Conifer - Conifer
10. Code - Nouveau Gloaming
11. Deadbird - The Head and the Heart
12. Minsk - Out of a Center Which is Neither Dead Nor Alive
13. Thralldom - Black Sun Resistance
14. Yob - The Unreal Never Lived
15. Witchcraft - Firewood
16. Drudkh - The Swan Road
17. Moonsorrow - Verisakeet
18. Endstille - Navigator
19. The Meads of Asphodel - Damascus Steel
20. Evoken - Antithesis of Light

Listen up!
[Jan 5,2006 2:56pm - nli nli  ""]
Earth, Conifer, Yob.....how can I not tune in?!?!?! Awesome.

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