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Deconformity ........

[Jan 5,2006 5:04pm - reconformity68 ""]
We are proud to say that We have full capabilities of recording our music now,at a good quality ,and we have songs coming by the day.We have struggled hard pulling this band together for the past few years so i hope you guys are happy with it so check us out.:NEWHORNS:

[Jan 5,2006 6:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
did you guys get a singer?
[Jan 5,2006 7:29pm - hutch ""]
no dude, still lookin
[Jan 5,2006 7:34pm - BornSoVile ""]
what's the problem, how come none of you guys are doing it? you guys should come down to the jam space some night for session or two.
[Jan 6,2006 9:33am - hutch ""]
definetly josh, that would be sick
[Jan 6,2006 9:56am - mark fucking richards  ""]
you guys need to let me know about those logos!
[Jan 6,2006 7:26pm - reconformity68 ""]
I am gonna fuckin sing like i have been on all the recordings.I just got a lil work to do it will be sweet!!!! Tony
[Jan 7,2006 3:33pm - reconformity68 ""]
sorry mark could have sworn i sent you an e-mail. thats why they call it dope. sendin it right now
[Jan 8,2006 1:36am - mark fucking richards  ""]
sall good man; i just want to get it done so you guys have a top quality logo ASAP. i didn't get an email from you yet though
[Jan 8,2006 10:31am - hutch ""]
my E-mail is all fucked up on this computer. but i like the second one down again. let me know when your all set well come out to the jam space.
[Jan 9,2006 8:34am - mark fucking richards  ""]
awesome man; hopefully i'll catch you on AIM or something. i'll tighten up the logo so it's all balanced and purtty like, and i'll drop you a line somehow
[Mar 10,2006 12:27am - reconformity68 ""]
ron 5

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