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this looks like the most twisted horror movie ever

[Jan 6,2006 11:38am - litacore ""]


I read about it Rue Morgue, and I don't wanna build it up TOO much, but it looks really sklee
[Jan 6,2006 11:39am - litacore ""]
then again, I thought High Tension was gonna be good. It just ended up pissing me off.
[Jan 6,2006 11:51am - succubus ""]
did you see this :

maybe yer already a member =)
[Jan 6,2006 12:05pm - succubus ""]
i got carried away reading posts in there...
[Jan 6,2006 1:09pm - wade ""]
sounds great. hahahaha. i mean it. certainly the best movie poster I've seen in a while.
[Jan 7,2006 11:44am - BlackoutRick ""]
It's fuckin French!! Looks good though.

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