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Bass Drums

[Jan 8,2006 5:16pm - anonymous  ""]
What would be a good bass drum head for hardcore/grindcore
[Jan 8,2006 5:26pm - niccolai ""]
Evans Emad.

It's really the ONLY bass drum head for ANY style.

Self dampening system, last forever, sound great.

I put either a metal or plastic click plate of them and I never need to replace them.
[Jan 8,2006 6:26pm - DJ Death  ""]
these are okay, Remo Pinstripe clear, or try the Aquarian "Sub" heads.
[Jan 8,2006 7:36pm - contagion ""]
our drummer is getting that
[Jan 8,2006 7:41pm - handinjury ""]
niccolai said:Evans Emad.

It's really the ONLY bass drum head for ANY style.

Self dampening system, last forever, sound great.

I put either a metal or plastic click plate of them and I never need to replace them.

I second that. I use them on my kicks. But i use the evans pad that comes w/ the heads.
[Jan 8,2006 10:10pm - mOe nli  ""]
i'm with niccolai on this one, it really is the ONLY head...i have an aquarian Super Kick 1 on my kit now and i dont like it one bit
[Jan 8,2006 10:41pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I haven't tried Evans, but I do like the Aquarian SuperKick II. They make a shitty bass drum sound deep, rich, and punchy at the same time. Upgrading from a shitty Remo Pinstripe up to that thing made a world of difference (for NooseBomb when I don't have the metal thing on, at least.)
[Jan 9,2006 11:29am - diamond_dave ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:...I do like the Aquarian SuperKick II. They make a shitty bass drum sound deep, rich, and punchy at the same time...

i agree with this. it made my mapex (which used to sound like a wet cardboard box) actually sound like a bass drum. also that's what Ray uses on his Pearl Export kit, and it sounds super deep; makes it sounds like a much more expensive kit. Gregg used those for nightmare continues too, i think.
[Jan 9,2006 11:42am - BMR  ""]
diamond_dave said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:...I do like the Aquarian SuperKick II. They make a shitty bass drum sound deep, rich, and punchy at the same time...

i agree with this. it made my mapex (which used to sound like a wet cardboard box) actually sound like a bass drum. also that's what Ray uses on his Pearl Export kit, and it sounds super deep; makes it sounds like a much more expensive kit. Gregg used those for nightmare continues too, i think.

I use a Superkick II and I think it's the balls plus it's got awesome response. I used to use the Evans Emad but I switched fairly recently, I don't think I'll go back any time soon at least.

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