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[Jan 9,2006 11:06pm - litacore ""]

Kidnap a fucking JOURNALIST?!?

these fucking assholes all need to die, with their dicks cut off and stuffed in their mouths. TONIGHT.:gun:
[Jan 9,2006 11:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah cause us rolling in their country was way cool too.

hows those weapons turning up
[Jan 9,2006 11:22pm - wade nli  ""]
their weapons are not nearly as sophisticated as ours. therefore, resorting to shocking episodes such as this and suicide bomb attacks aims to exploit fear(s). It works in shocking and obviously taking a number of lives but it will not see their goals and motivations met or satisfied..but still, to some degree, I'm willing to bet they see it as justified and not completely futile. fuck, I need to go to sleep or back to work.
[Jan 9,2006 11:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i see it as a desperate country trying to do anything to survive.
[Jan 9,2006 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
xtian science monitor?
cut her head off puleaz
[Jan 10,2006 1:43am - rigor penis  ""]
I can't wait to they cut her head off on arab tv
[Jan 10,2006 1:54am - bradmann ""]
very unfortunate...i've never read any of her work but if she was writing for the CSM she certainly had something relevant to say.

too bad iraqis can't tell the difference between decent journalists and fucking hacks.
[Jan 10,2006 6:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think everyone already said the same thing but...

I look forward to seeing her being decapitated with a large knife on Ogrish.com
[Jan 10,2006 7:23am - DJ Death  ""]
ummm, ha! Ariel Sharon might die.
[Jan 10,2006 8:19am - litacore ""]
I knew you were all gonna say that, oh well

metal is safer
[Jan 10,2006 8:23am - Messerschmitt ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I think everyone already said the same thing but...

I look forward to seeing her being decapitated with a large knife on Ogrish.com

hahaha eyup
[Jan 10,2006 10:40am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
When the aliens arrive, we are all fucked.
[Jan 10,2006 11:01am - Arthur_ATD ""]
i hope they play soccer with her head
[Jan 10,2006 11:02am - HailTheLeaf ""]
ha, it's great when U.S. troops kidnap journalists too...fucking pricks

[Jan 10,2006 11:04am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
We should start beheading anyone we capture, starting with that baby we did the back surgery on.
[Jan 10,2006 11:06am - HailTheLeaf ""]
We should start beheading Bush for causing this fucking mess
[Jan 10,2006 11:07am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I dont feel bad for journalists in Iraq. They are there on their own free will and if they get captured its their fault.
[Jan 10,2006 11:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
We should start beheading metalcore bands as part of our jihad against bad music.
[Jan 10,2006 11:28am - HailTheLeaf ""]
[Jan 10,2006 12:04pm - Hungta'Bleed  ""]
Fuckin 6th century headcutters.....
The Arabic people have nothing, and their civilization hasn't achieved a damn thing for almost 1500 years, literally. The last thing they gave the human race was the number 0, aside from that they havn't done shit but make war with their neighbors. There is at least 10 conflicts currently going on that involve Arabs who are fighting with their neighbor. Something tells me that they take the "Jihad" pillar of Islam a little too far. ....
[Jan 10,2006 12:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Someone call the cops on this guy for not logging in.
[Jan 10,2006 12:50pm - ryanfromhbbsi  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:We should start beheading Bush for causing this fucking mess

him and the globalists like greenspan. beheading bush would be like pruning a weed plant. cut one and 2 will pop out and with a stronger cause after they've branded the beheader a terrorist through the media. there needs to be an uprooting

[Jan 10,2006 1:02pm - anonymush  ""]
ryanfromhbbsi said:there needs to be an uprooting

There won't be. America is too lazy. Everyone is just waiting 'til '08.

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