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[Jan 11,2006 1:41pm - succubus ""]
So I decided to get Thai food for lunch...i went to pick it up got back and when i opened it...it was tofu vegetables...it was good but not what i ordered...so i called them and said i ordered tofu vegetable pad thai...and the lady apologized and said i could get a credit or go get it...i told her i'd go pick it up after work at 5...

now that i think about it...it was my mistake...i wanted to make sure they didn't mess up and give me the one with fish and meat...i said tofu vegeatables

oh well

oopies indeed

there's my rant of the day
[Jan 11,2006 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
that's ok.
I ordered pizza from bertucci's.
went to pick it up and there girl was like "Are you sure you called this one?"
I ended up calling north andover's bertucci's and drove to the one in andover.
oopies indeed.
[Jan 11,2006 1:52pm - ndeath ""]
YUCK!!! Eat some fucking red meat damnit!!!!!!!!
[Jan 11,2006 1:53pm - succubus ""]
you can have pad thai tonight since i know you wanted it
did you go to the one we went to last time?
when you said you got bertucci's i thought you meant you guys ate there

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