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ionic breeze..where are you?

[Jan 11,2006 2:38pm - succubus ""]
I can't wait for the day when I come home and it's there...

I can't wait to breathe easy! less cat dander to deal with
[Jan 11,2006 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
when is it getting delivered?
[Jan 11,2006 2:51pm - succubus ""]
i got a confirmation that it shipped...so hopefully any day now
[Jan 11,2006 3:22pm - wacko  ""]
i had two of those things and they broke after one year. BOTH broke. each one was over $300 each. when they worked i felt i did feel a difference but not sure why they both stopped working... i think its an overpriced gimmick from Sharper Image!
[Jan 11,2006 4:00pm - succubus ""]
that sucks
[Jan 11,2006 4:00pm - succubus ""]
aaron bought one for the bathroom...is it's pretty good, i can't smell the kitty litter anymore..
[Jan 11,2006 4:12pm - wacko  ""]
i mean it does work but i don't know why mine just stopped turning on. maybe i neglected it. you have to pull that thing out and clean the bars off (its all black) and then tip the thing upside down a few times to clean the thingys.

i got the huge ones and right now sent them both back under warranty. just keep those warranty cards!!!!!
[Jan 11,2006 4:15pm - Hooker nli  ""]
i want the bullet.
[Jan 11,2006 4:16pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Consumer Reports gave those things bad reviews. Apparently they give off ozone after they filter the air, so they don't really do all that much good.
[Jan 11,2006 4:31pm - succubus ""]
well...aaron was telling me good things and we ordered it

i have asthma and am allergic to dust and dander so hopefully it'll help
[Jan 11,2006 4:32pm - succubus ""]
oh and hooker, the bullet is crap! $60 for a blender? it's just because you get all the individual cups with it. Braun has a $10 one and i have it at work in case i want a smoothie
[Jan 11,2006 6:57pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I have BOTH The Magic Bullet AND The Ionic Breeze. Got the Bullet in the fall, have yet to use it, Breeze for xmas.... So far no noticeable difference, but it DOES take a lot of shit out of the air. There's a new feature to cut down on the ozone emissions too, though apparently the original version's emissions weren't anywhere near harmful anyway.

I gotta take a big grocery trip and fire up my Bullet soon, so much shit I'm looking forward to making!

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