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why do guys have nipples?

[Jan 11,2006 4:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I just hit myself in the nipple so hard with some window blinds at work tat I thought I split it in half...
[Jan 11,2006 4:27pm - succubus ""]
[Jan 11,2006 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
speaking of nipples.
my two new clamps and t-ring adapter are at home waiting.
[Jan 11,2006 4:35pm - ChuckNorrisNLI  ""]
because I believe that chests look weird without them...so I invented them
[Jan 11,2006 4:44pm - SPALDINO  ""]
hahahaha... fuckin Chuck Norris...
[Jan 11,2006 10:23pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
I dunno, maybe one day, gay couples will figure out how to reproduce and men will need to learn to lactate...who knows?
[Jan 11,2006 10:35pm - the_reverend ""]
it still mega hurts.
I'm glad it doesn't giga hurts...
[Jan 12,2006 2:31am - brian_dc ""]
the_reverend said:it still mega hurts.
I'm glad it doesn't giga hurts...

[Jan 12,2006 2:38am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hows the view from sugar mountain bitch
[Jan 12,2006 8:09am - Arthur_ATD ""]
men clearly have nipples for one reason and one reason only, so that people can give them titty twisters. and so rev can hit himself with blinds
[Jan 12,2006 2:11pm - Doomkid ""]
Because nipples are formed on the fetus before sex is determined.

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