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Deconformity welcomes lead vokills

[Jan 17,2006 7:37am - hutch ""]
After a search that lasted way to long, We have finally found a lead singer. Deconformity would like to welcome Mike Robinson to the stage. We are planning to record a couple songs and start playing shows by mid february. Anyone who wants to put together some shows or anything contact us on RTTP. We are extremely thrilled that we will be able to take the next step in getting our music out there. \M/ Keep it brutal.

[Feb 22,2006 12:48pm - reconformity68 ""]
u know
[May 11,2006 1:37pm - anonymous  ""]
I love you guys....not your music, simply because its me...I consider all of you guys my family@ Love your sister Victoria
[May 11,2006 2:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
are you as hawt as tony's sisters???

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