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U.F.A. Recorded

[Jan 29,2006 9:46pm - Dissector ""]
We recorded our cd this weekend. I'm really unhappy the way the mix came out.

I have the original tapes with all the tracks on them. Anybody have a way I can remix these bad boys to my liking?
[Jan 29,2006 9:47pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
either way I'm so excited to hear this shit Mike, I can't wait.
[Jan 29,2006 9:49pm - Dissector ""]
are you online I'll send you a track.
[Jan 29,2006 10:19pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
can't wait to hear the whole thing, that one track was pretty good though, but defenitly do some thing about the levels of the guitar. other than that.

MOSH ON! haha
[Jan 29,2006 10:51pm - Dissector ""]
We fixed the panning but i think we're gonna keep the guitar that low. We want to sound like shit. New song on myspace.

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