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SIN OF ANGELS "FROM THE ASHES" reviewed on StonerRock.com

[Jan 30,2006 12:05pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Sin of Angels – From the Ashes
Review by John Pegoraro (StonerRock.com)
NotCommon Records
Release date: November 2005

"New England winters can be pretty bleak – the plowed snow turns as gray as the skies, the bitter colds cleaves its way to the bone, and you get a claustrophobic feeling that the season will never end.

Providence’s Sin of Angels must have written From the Ashes during last year’s cold spell, as it’s the perfect soundtrack for miserable weather. Or just plain misery. It’s sludge doom, slow and heavy and angrily dissonant. The oppressive grind would eventually lead to boredom, but Sin of Angels fortunately adds enough dynamics to keep their molasses-like riffage interesting. I particularly dug “At Journey’s End,” “Judas,” and “Dark Sky Prophecy.”

I can see this one appealing to fans of Crowbar, Eyehategod, Indian, Ocean, Buried at Sea, and Warhorse. It’s a mean-spirited release that expertly conveys how nasty life can be."
[Jan 30,2006 12:06pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
yeah, I need to review that...
[Jan 30,2006 12:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
that's awesome! good job guys!
[Jan 30,2006 2:26pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Thanks Dan \m/
[Jan 30,2006 4:13pm - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
[Jan 30,2006 4:51pm - BobDead  ""]
fucking brutal...been on my cd player constantly.
[Jan 30,2006 5:53pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
Thanks Bro !!!!!!!

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