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MP3S: Roit act mix tape

[Jan 30,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
Back by popular demand, the Riot Act mix tape. Listen and be

1. National Eye, ag1 {http://riotactmedia.com/mp3/ag1.mp3}
2. Crystal Skulls, The Cosmic Door
3. Raising The Fawn, Carbon Paper
4. Maritime, Calm {http://www.flameshovel.com/mp3/MAR01-calm.mp3}
5. Metal Hearts, Socialize
6. Micah P. Hinson, The Leading Guy
7. Roy, Jesus Drive A Hot Rod
8. Russian Circles, Death Rides A Horse
9. Haram, Fade Away {http://www.lovitt.com/press/haram_fadeaway.mp3}
10. Love Of Everything, Don't Wait

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