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Watchmaker at sin-e in nyc 2/4

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 1,2006 2:45pm - shatteredliz ""]
They go on at midnight.
I know my old roommate Ian is coming down.
Anyone else?
[Feb 1,2006 3:20pm - SuperFly ""]
unless something unforseen happens i'll be there.
[Feb 1,2006 3:26pm - shatteredliz ""]
Nice! See you then!
[Feb 1,2006 3:33pm - SuperFly ""]
sounds good.
[Feb 1,2006 6:49pm - anonymous  ""]
This is Mark. It's gonna be a fucking sick show. We have been practicing alot, and wait till you motherfuckers hear John Gillis play this shit.
[Feb 2,2006 10:05am - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah Mark. I'm sure it'll be sick!
This is part of the e-mail that the promoter sent out about the show...

WATCHMAKER is an insanely painfully noisey thrashy band on Willowtip Records. It hurts so good. They also hardly ever play, and they ALSO are most likely not going to be playing in NYC again. John Gillis (Anal Cunt, Today Is The Day, yeah, he's pretty good, I guess) will be on drums for this show only. Your ears will bleed, I promise.
[Feb 2,2006 2:29pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
shatteredliz said:Yeah Mark. I'm sure it'll be sick!
This is part of the e-mail that the promoter sent out about the show...

WATCHMAKER is an insanely painfully noisey thrashy band on Willowtip Records. It hurts so good. They also hardly ever play, and they ALSO are most likely not going to be playing in NYC again. John Gillis (Anal Cunt, Today Is The Day, yeah, he's pretty good, I guess) will be on drums for this show only. Your ears will bleed, I promise.

Cool, I look forword to seeing you.
[Feb 2,2006 7:42pm - watchmaker666 ""]
fucking gimmick band

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