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Another myspace suicide

[Feb 2,2006 4:02pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Has myspace become such a part of some peoples lives that they feel the need to post their final thoughts on it?


listen for the hillarious metal track in the backround

And her changed myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...=user.viewprofile&friendid=31890739
[Feb 2,2006 4:40pm - davefromthegrave ""]
what song is that?
[Feb 2,2006 8:24pm - anonymous  ""]
this really disturbed me.
[Feb 2,2006 8:36pm - KeithMutiny ""]
oh, how i love agoraphobic nosebleed, you make my life complete
[Feb 2,2006 8:47pm - pam nli  ""]
good, keep 'em coming. morons.
[Feb 2,2006 9:04pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
"Children: Proud parent"

[Feb 2,2006 9:24pm - infoterror ""]
This one looks like it had something to live for.
[Feb 2,2006 10:15pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
wow. pretty fucked up.
[Feb 2,2006 10:55pm - ryanfromhbbsi  ""]
ehh. got no pity party from me.
[Feb 2,2006 11:08pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
what bothers me about this stuff, is that at this girls last moments of life, she though "oh, i better go post on myspace." What the fuck?
[Feb 2,2006 11:34pm - Lamp ""]
All this after her brother hung himself? She didn't even fucking think about how it would feel to her parents to lose two kids in such a short time span.
[Feb 3,2006 12:22am - Dissector ""]
"Jeffrey; you can have my cars"

Cars, pluralized. Rich kids have so much angst.
[Feb 3,2006 12:27am - anonymous  ""]
LtdEc-1000 said:what bothers me about this stuff, is that at this girls last moments of life, she though "oh, i better go post on myspace." What the fuck?


[Feb 3,2006 12:39am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
she was kinda good looking too, and she had a picture of her nipple on her page. Oh well, if she's dumb enough to post on myspace about her suicide, she might as well have killed her self.
[Feb 3,2006 1:52am - dwellingsickness ""]
na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey ,goodbye:middlefinger:
[Feb 3,2006 6:05am - badsneakers ""]
I think she woke up one day and realized how stupid she looked with a broken heart tattooed on her wrist and decided this was better then laser removal
[Feb 3,2006 9:38am - Robdeadskin ""]
kind sad to read all the friend responses on her other page...its to bad...myspace is gonna be the suicide note of the future
[Feb 3,2006 11:06am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
There has been 2 other "myspace suicides" that i know of. This guy posted a bulletin

And theres another girl who posted a blog, but i cant find anything on it.
[Feb 3,2006 11:08am - thedeparted ""]
myspace is gay
[Feb 3,2006 11:14am - poopsmcgee ""]
hahahaahahahaa...the kids page was hacked
[Feb 3,2006 11:17am - poopsmcgee ""]
the spoofs bulletins are fucking amazing
[Feb 3,2006 11:17am - intricateprocess ""]
thats fuckin crazy. the chick fuckin posted a pic of that shit.

she cut her wrists at 1135 and was still alive at 2 am? thats a long fucking time,jesus. i always thought slicing your wrists was pretty quick. fuck that shit

also, how much ass does Agorophobic Nosebleed kick?
[Feb 3,2006 11:17am - Hungta'bleed  ""]
hungta‘bleed said:wow. pretty fucked up.

I should add, however, I feel no pity. What a selfish cunt. Who the fuck kills themself because their brother just killed themself? Selfish fucks, thats who. No consideration for the parents, or anyone else for that matter. If there is more to it than this earth, you know where the suicide deaths go don't ya?
[Feb 3,2006 11:18am - poopsmcgee ""]
2,6,7 links work
[Feb 3,2006 11:19am - Hungta‘bleed  ""]
The hitler one is the best.
[Feb 3,2006 11:20am - poopsmcgee ""]
I agree
[Feb 3,2006 11:25am - intricateprocess ""]
Hungta‘bleed said:The hitler one is the best.

HAHAHA i just saw that.

fuckin A thats funny
[Feb 3,2006 11:36am - Hungta‘bleed  ""]
Dude, someone should send her this thread........wait a minute-shit-she's dead, she wont get it.
[Feb 3,2006 11:41am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It's not like she's going to see her brother again anyway.
[Jun 3,2006 1:36am - anonymous  ""]
so that's it, huh?
"no one ever treated me bad, or broke my heart. im just so sick and tired of dealing with all the problems that are going on in my life"
wtf?? what problems? a rich girl "you can have my cars" hm...no one treated her bad. she loved some guy. so....erm....WHY? the selfish bitch. fuck that. how tragic. "i can't even like a guy without people getting really mean, and mad about it" IS THAT THE REASON SHE FUCKIN KILLED HERSELF? think of how her parents feel now!! all because "she doesn't want to deal with problems"
she doesn't seem to have any real problems....dear god have mercy on her ungrateful little soul!!
[Jun 3,2006 8:39am - Scoracrasia ""]
"Proud Parent"

Heh, not so proud anymore. What a selfish cunt.

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