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Show: Sigor Ros tonight state theater

[Feb 6,2006 6:02pm - succubus ""]
going to take pics..publicist just told me that a string quartet from iceland will be opening and then playing with them later on...should be interesting..a lkittle diffrect from the last tour she told me...they're called amina...

it's gonna be dark and no flash...so hopefully i can get some good stuff...
[Feb 6,2006 6:02pm - succubus ""]
damn typos
[Feb 6,2006 6:09pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Is that show really happening?...A friend of mine who works there said that the place was closing,or soon to be closing
[Feb 6,2006 7:54pm - succubus ""]
Yep....I'm there now...it's sooooo dark. The bouncer said not to go in the photo pit for opener..so I'm on the side with an obstructed view...apparently there are 7 photographers....and he said only 2 in the put at a time..bcz he can't handle it
We have to plan who goes in and out
[Feb 6,2006 8:35pm - dreadkill ""]
i want to see sigur ros
[Feb 6,2006 10:18pm - Mary ""]
I saw Sigur Ros back in 2002. I practically fell asleep.
[Feb 7,2006 2:23am - DaveSTF ""]
I'm going to the Boston show.. Will be my 5th time seeing them... Not too pumped on the newest album but hey whatever. Let me know how the show was Carina! Also, I wanna see your pics!
[Feb 7,2006 3:02am - the_reverend ""]
I may go down to the show in boston tomorrow depending on what carina says about this show.
where is it?
[Feb 7,2006 8:29am - succubus ""]
it was fun! I was taking pics and all of a sudden i saw Wade there too! Though after the 4th song (there was a curtain for the first song so it was only their shadows, which looked pretty cool)..anyhow after the 4th song wade disppeared before i really got to chat with him.

it was fun, but a lot of back lighting and very dark...I started working on the pics when i got home and will finish up tonight...
[Feb 7,2006 9:11am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but should I try to go shoot them tonight?
[Feb 7,2006 9:16am - succubus ""]
you have a meeting so no. If you want look at my pics from last night...
[Feb 7,2006 9:18am - the_reverend ""]
oh yeah, duh...
you said that last night too
[Feb 8,2006 1:38am - DaveSTF ""]
yeah i wanna see pics carina~! The show tonight was definetly good, but out of the 6 times Ive seen them, this was my least favorite time.. Thats not saying a whole lot though.. theyre amaizng live.

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