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GG Allin on Jerry Springer

[Feb 7,2006 11:34pm - Ryan_M ""]
Here is a video of GG Allin's guest appearance on Jerry Springer. This is the entire episode; it is about 40 minutes long, and takes a while to load, but as always GG is hilarious. Check it out.
[Feb 7,2006 11:47pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
thank you!
[Feb 7,2006 11:47pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'm not sure what else to say, but that was quite possibly the funniest thing I have seen since GWAR on Springer
[Feb 7,2006 11:56pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I love seeing the face of that old lady in the audience when gg says that he's had sex with men women and animals on stage
[Feb 8,2006 12:47am - hungtableed  ""]
[Feb 8,2006 2:11am - brian_dc ""]

his crazy dad named him Jesus Christ Allin
[Feb 8,2006 2:30am - brian_dc ""]
apparently GG was dating the girl on the Springer video.

[Feb 8,2006 5:05am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Feb 8,2006 8:04am - Sweatpants  ""]
I love when he says heavy metal is lame.
[Feb 8,2006 9:26am - KillerKadoogan ""]

this is fantastic. every other time i've tried to watch this thing on line it never worked....
[Feb 8,2006 10:50am - KillerKadoogan ""]
"That waiver isn't worth the paper that's written on it!" - Lawyer from the Judas Priest case
[Feb 8,2006 11:35am - anonymous  ""]
jerry was going off on g.g. this is the best springer ihave ever seen
[Feb 8,2006 11:38am - craz ""]
AMAZING that's all I got to say about that.
[Feb 8,2006 12:21pm - IntricateProcess ""]
this rules
[Feb 8,2006 12:42pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
"You Christians are all hypocrites worshiping a false god when the real god is right up here!"

Has anything ever said been more true??? That is awesome
[Feb 8,2006 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
he's a mother fucking neeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.
this dude is such a fucking nerd. if he were around today, he would be behind a cubicle wall asking for his stapler back.
[Feb 8,2006 1:09pm - succubus ""]
but would it be a red swingline?
[Feb 8,2006 1:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
succubus said:but would it be a red swingline?

d'uuuuuuuuuh, nerd !!!!!
[Feb 8,2006 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
he's a nerd so it would be whatever his boss gave him.
[Feb 8,2006 1:52pm - danny p nli  ""]
the rev would be too scared to shoot a gg show...mwahaha
[Feb 9,2006 5:24am - dwellingsickness ""]
He used to work as a janitor at some school around here . St.Paul I think, My friends mom also worked with him and said he actually was a nice guy off stage.
[Feb 9,2006 5:29am - dwellingsickness ""]
OMG I am watching it now, The first audience member that Jerry talks too looks like Eric Paone if he had straight hair
[Feb 9,2006 11:10am - Ryan_M ""]
dwellingsickness said:He used to work as a janitor at some school around here. St.Paul I think, My friends mom also worked with him and said he actually was a nice guy off stage.

i work with a guy named dave who says he was friends with a woman that actually had a kid with GG and that he met the guy once or twice; he says GG was ugly and scary looking, but was pretty quiet when he met him. he says this was in probably '87 or '88, which makes sense because GG was living around Manchester NH at that time and dave and i are from Hudson, which is about 20 minutes from manchester.
dave is disappointed in me because i let him borrow my "Hated" video and he can't believe i'm actually a GG Allin fan.
[Feb 9,2006 11:28am - Robdeadskin ""]
im watching this too...gg rules!
[Feb 9,2006 11:28am - the_reverend ""]
I like his acustic stuff the the best
[Feb 9,2006 11:33am - Robdeadskin ""]
does anyone have the link to gwar on springer..i have to see that!!!!
[Feb 9,2006 12:52pm - anonymous  ""]
he has a new dvd out this month..."terror in america"
some of the better shows of 1993 plus bonus footage of some instores/interviews.
[Feb 9,2006 12:58pm - kessaris ""]
this was news like...7 months ago...gosh
[Feb 9,2006 1:20pm - Ryan_M ""]
anonymous said:he has a new dvd out this month..."terror in america"
some of the better shows of 1993 plus bonus footage of some instores/interviews.

i don't like many of his live DVDs because they all feature like 3 shows within weeks/months of each other, so the band plays all the same songs, which gets boring. "hated" is the only video i still enjoy watching.
[Feb 9,2006 1:20pm - Ryan_M ""]
anonymous said:he has a new dvd out this month..."terror in america"
some of the better shows of 1993 plus bonus footage of some instores/interviews.

i don't like many of his live DVDs because they all feature like 3 shows within weeks/months of each other, so the band plays all the same songs, which gets boring. "hated" is the only video i still enjoy watching.
[Feb 9,2006 1:21pm - Ryan_M ""]
sorry for the double post.
[Feb 9,2006 1:44pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Rock and Roll is destroying our youth
[Feb 9,2006 1:52pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Thanks for posting this.
[Feb 9,2006 1:53pm - Arthur_ATD ""]
Robdeadskin said:does anyone have the link to gwar on springer..i have to see that!!!!

[Feb 9,2006 2:10pm - Ryan_M ""]
go to www.youtube.com and type in Gwar, maybe it'll come up. that's where i found the GG video.
[Feb 9,2006 2:29pm - Robdeadskin ""]
thanx it worked...pissed they cut it off before gwar yelled at the mom

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