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that's it..i'm cutting off my dreds !

[Feb 8,2006 1:51pm - succubus ""]
maybe tomorrow

[Feb 8,2006 1:52pm - succubus ""]
i blame my tarzan for constantly grabbing at my hair

i can't believe how long it is

but i hate knots!!
[Feb 8,2006 1:56pm - thedeparted ""]
you have dreads? why are you cutting them>
[Feb 8,2006 1:59pm - succubus ""]
well they are only dreds because no matter how much i brush my hair it knots REALLY easily...i could be sitting at work and if ANYTHING brushes up against my hair...it knots...it's sooo bad...
[Feb 8,2006 2:04pm - litacore ""]
I have happy hair
[Feb 8,2006 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
they are more like sex mattes
[Feb 8,2006 2:23pm - dreadkill ""]
get a mohawk
[Feb 8,2006 2:24pm - pam ""]
do it!! join the short hair legion of women constantly accused of being gay!!
[Feb 8,2006 2:27pm - paganmegan ""]
i'm growing my hair past my butt
[Feb 8,2006 2:35pm - pam ""]
I did that once, I last a few years then one day I couldn't get a knot out, kicked some stuff, and walked up the street to the hair salon and screamed at this poor woman I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO CUT IT THE FUCK OFF.
[Feb 8,2006 2:38pm - dreadkill ""]
my girlfriend has short hair, but she won't do the mohawk. short hair is hotter than long hair.
[Feb 8,2006 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
pam, there is a difference between being accused and being true.
[Feb 8,2006 2:42pm - paganmegan ""]
long hair is better to THRASH with!
[Feb 8,2006 2:46pm - pam ""]
Long hair IS better to thrash with, but short hair is way more fun and versatile.

And Aaron I am only gay with Carina, when you're not looking.
[Feb 8,2006 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
well, stop being a human being and start being a human doing.
[Feb 8,2006 3:17pm - davefromthegrave ""]
pam said:Long hair IS better to thrash with, but short hair is way more fun and versatile.

And Aaron I am only gay with Carina, when you're not looking.

post pics
[Feb 8,2006 3:20pm - succubus ""]
ok now here's the thing...i hadn't had long hair in a loonnggg time...so i wantd to grow it long...
but i think it's too dry hence the easy knotting and aaron keeps tugging on it...so i figure, that i'll cut it and then it'll always grow back...personally i think i look better with shorter hair...

i hope i can get an appt tomorrow...
[Feb 8,2006 4:05pm - infoterror ""]
succubus said:maybe tomorrow

[Feb 8,2006 4:21pm - succubus ""]
hahaha far from it
[Feb 8,2006 4:24pm - Moran NLI  ""]
Cutting off your hair is a very liberating experiance. Go for it.
[Feb 8,2006 4:34pm - succubus ""]
i used to cut it on a regular basis...lately only trims and rare at that..

it's long over due
i'll get aaron to take before and after pics...
[Feb 8,2006 4:56pm - Aegathis ""]
pam said:I did that once, I last a few years then one day I couldn't get a knot out, kicked some stuff, and walked up the street to the hair salon and screamed at this poor woman I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO CUT IT THE FUCK OFF.

And you told me youd beat my ass if i cut mine:moe:
[Feb 8,2006 5:01pm - anonymous  ""]
Aegathis said:pam said:I did that once, I last a few years then one day I couldn't get a knot out, kicked some stuff, and walked up the street to the hair salon and screamed at this poor woman I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO CUT IT THE FUCK OFF.

And you told me youd beat my ass if i cut mine:moe:

Shes all talk. I cut mine and she never laid a finger on me.
[Feb 8,2006 5:01pm - Moran NLI  ""]

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