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anyone on a mac G5?

[Feb 13,2006 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
can you see the site on a mac g5? with safari?
[Feb 13,2006 8:47pm - madukes  ""]
[Feb 13,2006 8:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i was on a g5 earlier and the site worked. i'm on a g4 now.
[Feb 13,2006 8:54pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 13,2006 8:59pm - madukes  ""]
rev if i click on refresh it will reload your main page but then the links wont work, it will say the page has loaded but the screen will be blank.
[Feb 13,2006 10:20pm - DaveSTF ""]
I'm on a G4 powerbook and I had the same problem as madukes, but I just bookmarked a page of pictures and then go from there when I come here.
[Feb 13,2006 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... what browser?
I have a G4 and I'll look at it.
[Feb 15,2006 11:26pm - infoterror ""]
I was using the Mac, and then it crashed.

They always do.

So I can't see this site, but I also cannot see any other sites.

Think different...
[Mar 14,2006 10:42pm - rev a mac  ""]
i'm on a g4 with safari 1.3.1 and it works, but you have to click on the page when it comes up.
for some reason it comes up white until you click on it.
[Mar 14,2006 10:50pm - rev a mac  ""]
ok, it looks like it doesn't like the frames.
all you have to do is hit enter and then click ont he white pages and then it re-drawns.

or you can hold ctrl and click on links and open them into other windows... that works too.
[Mar 14,2006 10:54pm - reverend fire fox on a mac  ""]
fire fox works awesome!
[Mar 14,2006 10:56pm - infoterror ""]

[Mar 14,2006 11:30pm - davefromthegrave ""]
dreadkill said:i was on a g5 earlier and the site worked. i'm on a g4 now.

so the real question here is, how are you traveling through time?
[Mar 14,2006 11:49pm - RabbitFetus ""]
I get problems with Safari.

I use IE only for rttp.
[Mar 15,2006 9:52am - OakleyBoy  ""]
nope can't see this page, only if i "click" my mouse everything appears
[Mar 15,2006 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
yeha, that's what I'm saying.
I don't know why it does that... but it does.
[Mar 15,2006 11:09am - joey umbrella  ""]
yes, i always have seen this site on safari.... soooooooo
[Mar 15,2006 11:11am - dreadkill ""]
rev a mac said:i'm on a g4 with safari 1.3.1 and it works, but you have to click on the page when it comes up.
for some reason it comes up white until you click on it.

happens to me too.
[Mar 15,2006 11:24am - Beorht-Dana ""]
Safari is pretty decent browser but for some reason it just hates Rttp.
[Mar 15,2006 11:30am - OakleyBoy  ""]
but to throw another wrench in the works... why does this site RTTP work on my Powerbook G4? everything loads correctly yet on my iMacG5 it won't load the pages.
[Mar 15,2006 11:33am - Beorht-Dana ""]
OakleyBoy said:but to throw another wrench in the works... why does this site RTTP work on my Powerbook G4? everything loads correctly yet on my iMacG5 it won't load the pages.

Is one more up to date than the other?
[Mar 15,2006 11:57am - the_reverend ""]
maybe if they are using safari of a certiain version, I should link them in with out frames?

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