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what are you doing today for valentine's day?

[Feb 14,2006 8:56am - succubus ""]
have you given in?

even though the reverend and i went away for a long weekend on a nice getaway, i think we're gonna go to a thai place for sinner
[Feb 14,2006 8:56am - succubus ""]

and right now he's changing my tires for me

[Feb 14,2006 8:57am - dwellingsickness ""]
I will be sleeping a majority of the day, followed by TV and a few drinks. I have no use for this "Holiday"
[Feb 14,2006 9:03am - succubus ""]
come out to eat with aaron and me!
[Feb 14,2006 9:03am - LaptopKok  ""]
I have already laid pipe to the ol'lady....so now I have to change strings, put an emg81 in my esp, go buy a car, put my computer together, pick up the kids from school, cook dinner, and then be at the Brickhouse for 8 to play a show.

Happy VD Day
[Feb 14,2006 9:10am - dwellingsickness ""]
succubus said:come out to eat with aaron and me!

I have no vehicle to get to where you are...Thanks for the invite though. I love thai food, Only had it twice, and it was awesome.
[Feb 14,2006 9:11am - succubus ""]
well i miss you haven't seen you in a long ass time!
[Feb 14,2006 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
I celebrated it around 4am.
[Feb 14,2006 9:17am - dwellingsickness ""]
I know..I miss you too, I don't get out much in the winter. Too difficult for me to get around. I basically hibernate till springtime haha
[Feb 14,2006 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
thai food... except for the fact that I'm not getting to "work" until 11am or so (since I'm getting tires). I'll be working until 7:30 or so. especially after that bs review I got yesterday.
[Feb 14,2006 11:34am - anonymous  ""]
....getting high and making a new BDUSSY song
[Feb 14,2006 12:03pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm taking my girlfriend out to eat, then we are going to watch the shield and fuck.
[Feb 14,2006 12:09pm - Kessaris nli  ""]
class, work, jazz band, bar for 25 cent wings and 2 dollar drafts.

Not a woman to be found...which is disturbingly sad considering I turn 22 tomorrow...:(:(:(:( (I'm not thaaaaaat broken up about it)
[Feb 14,2006 12:15pm - Messerschmitt ""]
i bought a new ford econoline van and a pair of sunglasses i'd like to try out tonight?
[Feb 14,2006 12:25pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Im working.

FUCK VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!:middlefinger:
[Feb 14,2006 12:25pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
dwellingsickness said:I will be sleeping a majority of the day, followed by TV and a few drinks. I have no use for this "Holiday"

Dont u work?

[Feb 14,2006 1:11pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm actually djing a Valentine's day thing at a bar tonight. can you believe that shit?

I hope to pick up some lonely fat chick or some dumb whore and put the pork in her rind.
[Feb 14,2006 1:12pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
off to NYC to see Spamalot. then hang out and see the Nightwatch free movie screening.
[Feb 14,2006 2:24pm - succubus ""]

i'm actually getting to leave work now
[Feb 14,2006 2:58pm - dwellingsickness ""]
MetalcoreSUCKS said:dwellingsickness said:I will be sleeping a majority of the day, followed by TV and a few drinks. I have no use for this "Holiday"

Dont u work?

Are you writing a book?
[Feb 14,2006 3:06pm - pam nli  ""]
I went to school, went out shopping for chocolate for the husband and kid, then came home, was supposed to go to the gym but once again can't, might go to the movies tonight but I doubt it, probably just lay around and do nothing. Hooray.
[Feb 14,2006 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
getting lots and lots of ass
[Feb 14,2006 3:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Sitting by the phone, since apparently my mom got sent to the hospital again.
[Feb 14,2006 3:28pm - pam nli  ""]
:( I'm sorry to hear that, Rich.
[Feb 14,2006 3:29pm - RichHorror ""]
Me too.
[Feb 14,2006 3:38pm - davefromthegrave ""]
anonymous said:I'm actually djing a Valentine's day thing at a bar tonight. can you believe that shit?

I hope to pick up some lonely fat chick or some dumb whore and put the pork in her rind.

this post was me, forgetting to login
[Feb 14,2006 3:42pm - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 14,2006 3:43pm - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 14,2006 3:46pm - pam nli  ""]
bahahah, that's great.
[Feb 14,2006 3:51pm - retzam ""]
school, band practice, homework, reading, smoking... normal day

[Feb 14,2006 3:52pm - thedeparted ""]
haha thanks, ive been trying to do it for every holiday
[Feb 14,2006 4:45pm - succubus ""]
rich, i hope your mom is ok...

departed that is cute
[Feb 14,2006 4:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Not likely, they've already told us that she's "end stage".
[Feb 14,2006 4:50pm - succubus ""]
w t f..are you serious?


i lost my dad so i know how much it sucks..i'm truly sorry to hear it
[Feb 14,2006 4:50pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, she's been battling cancer off and on for the last two years.
[Feb 14,2006 4:52pm - davefromthegrave ""]
dude I'm sorry to hear that. this is why I hate holidays.
[Feb 14,2006 4:54pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm convinced that holidays are the leading killer of parents.
[Feb 14,2006 4:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
never had a valentine, i'm drinking alone again tonight.
[Feb 15,2006 11:12am - dwellingsickness ""]
Sorry to hear that rich....Holidays in the hospital are no fun,Even if it is just Valentine's day
[Feb 15,2006 11:17am - mark fucking richards  ""]
the mrs. and i spent an hour and a half waiting for a table at the cheesecake factory in the atrium mall, and filled myself with more food than the entire nation of somalia has ever seen. i think i have leftovers for a week. then i went outside to find my front driver's side tire flat. good times!
[Feb 15,2006 3:48pm - RichHorror ""]
dwellingsickness said:Sorry to hear that rich....Holidays in the hospital are no fun,Even if it is just Valentine's day

Yeah, it was a bummer. I worked as an orderly for 6 years. Just one day in a hospital was more than enough to remind me why I quit.
[Feb 15,2006 7:47pm - pam nli  ""]
was in the hospital today picking up my "crazy" friend, provided for a much less boring day than I had planned.
[Feb 15,2006 9:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i ate leftover bison burger from last night.
[Feb 16,2006 1:33am - pam nli  ""]
you're a fuckin wierdo.
[Feb 16,2006 4:15am - ArmageddAnn ""]
I made vege lasagna, we watched a movie and cuddle on the couch.
[Feb 16,2006 7:10am - succubus ""]
i got some awesome surprises from aarton and gave him some awesome surprises..one being my new haircut which he seems to like !
we ended up getting thai food to eat
[Feb 16,2006 4:57pm - RichHorror ""]
pam nli said:was in the hospital today picking up my "crazy" friend, provided for a much less boring day than I had planned.

Does she put out?
[Feb 16,2006 4:58pm - pam nli  ""]
hehehe yeah!

Carina!! Picture!!
[Feb 16,2006 4:59pm - RichHorror ""]
That won't be necessary. I didn't plan on, you know, looking at her or anything.

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