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New Friday the 13th Movie in Oct

[Feb 15,2006 2:12am - poopsmcgee ""]

Found this on yahoo news,I hope this movie wont suck like the chainsaw massacre remake.....

Hollywood testosterone king Michael Bay has been charged with breathing new life into Jason Vorhees and resurrecting the Friday the 13th franchise with a prequel.

Bay's production company, Platinum Dunes, will attempt to crank out the 11th installment in the hearty horror series for New Line Cinema by October--on Friday the 13th, natch.

Per the trades, Bay's company is scrambling to meet the pre-Halloween deadline. The script, by Mark Wheaton, is not yet finished and there's no immediate word on a director or cast.

The new, untitled chapter in the ongoing saga of the hockey-masked antihero Jason is purportedly going to be a prelude to Sean S. Cunningham's original Friday the 13th, which was released by Paramount in 1980. The horror classic followed the hacking up of various teens at Camp Crystal Lake. The low-budget gorefest grossed more than $40 million and spawned a franchise that eventually descended into camp with 1989's Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan.

New Line bought the rights to the never-say-die slasher series in 1993 from Paramount and churned out Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday that same year. But it was far from being the "final Friday": The studio embraced the space age by launching the series into orbit with 2001's Jason X.

The studio then decided to pit two of its aging horror icons against each other, Jason and Nightmare on Elm Street's Freddy Krueger, in 2003's battle royale, Jason vs. Freddy. The face-off scared its way to $82 million in ticket sales.

New Line has been trying to figure out more ways to unleash Jason on moviegoers in the past few years. First, the studio toyed with the idea of another combo deal, with Ash from the Evil Dead movies joining the fray. But that fell through when filmmaker Sam Raimi decided to relaunch Evil Dead separately.

Then, New Line reached out to Quentin Tarantino to put his stamp on the Friday the 13th franchise. Tarantino also passed.

Now it's up to Bay and his Platinum Dunes to do for Friday the 13th what it did with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The production company's 2003 remake of Massacre exceeded expectations, raking in more than $80 million and spawning a prequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. The latter, starring Jordana Brewster, is scheduled to unspool Oct. 6, a week before the new Friday.

Bay is seeking a return to blockbuster form after last summer's box-office bomb The Island. His hit credits include Armageddon, Bay Boys II, Pearl Harbor and The Rock.

[Feb 15,2006 2:24am - Moran NLI  ""]
First off, the Chainsaw remake wasn't that bad, and has nothing to do with Micheal Bay produced one that is mentioned. Second, Micheal Bay fucking blows. Third, how can someone make a "prequel" to Friday the 13th? Isn't the original a prequel by itself? Why can't people come up with original ideas anymore?
[Feb 15,2006 2:26am - poopsmcgee ""]
dude,that chainsaw remake blows
[Feb 15,2006 2:28am - Moran NLI  ""]
I beg to differ. I don't think that its a great movie or anything. But it had its moments.
[Feb 15,2006 2:52am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
everything is a remake now, pick a movie and im almost certain its a remake
[Feb 15,2006 10:24am - nash ""]
If your talking about Jessica Biels mammoth knockers then yes it had it's moments.
[Feb 15,2006 10:40am - dwellingsickness ""]
The TCM Remake was all about gore and nothing else. besides that it was a stupid movie.I hate remakes as well as sequels(If the original was a good movie). I can think of a few that they should have just left alone. I am willing to bet this will be one of them.
[Feb 15,2006 11:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I thought the texas chainsaw massacre remake was awesome.
[Feb 15,2006 12:51pm - poopsmcgee ""]
The omen remake im sure is going to suck ass as well
[Feb 16,2006 4:13pm - TheHawthorneEffect_Kevin  ""]
I thought Freddy vs. Jason was the 11th installment, since Jason X was the 10th. So wouldn't this be the 12th?

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